

Programmi correlati

Code implementation and improvements in its application. NC 46:1999 (Cuba)

Construcciones sismo resistentes. Requisitos básicos para el diseño y construcción.

This code was already implemented in CYPECAD and Metal 3D as of previous versions using the dynamic analysis (modal spectral) method.

For this design code, the 2014.d version of CYPECAD includes:

  • A static analysis method (equivalent lateral force)
    The analysis method (dynamic or static) is selected using the Analysis method option within the dialogue box where seismic action is defined.
  • The correction due to base shear
    This correction is applied to the seismic analysis using the dynamic analysis (modal spectral) method. To calculate the base shear using the NC 46:1999 code, CYPECAD has two options to indicate the value of the Fundamental period of the structure:
  • In accordance with the code
  • Specified by the user

More information on the correction due to base shear carried out by CYPECAD.

More information on how to establish the Fundamental period of the structure.