Update history​


Font size

The "Font size" option has been added to the general configuration menu of the applications. This tool allows users to increase or decrease the basic size of the font used in the user interface of the programs. Thanks to this implementation, the accessibility of the applications has been improved while also ensuring the correct visibility of the content on devices with different screen resolutions.

To enter a "Basic size" the "Set custom font size" option must be checked. The size users can enter is the application's basic font size. Any other font sizes that may exist in the program's interface will be automatically modified proportionally according to the change in the basic size.

It is important to note that, as this is a common parameter, its modification will affect all installed CYPE tools.

Only available on the BIMserver.center platform

As of version 2022.f, the CYPELUX, CYPELUX EN and CYPELUX LEED applications will be available exclusively on the BIMserver.center platform. Therefore, they will not be installed with the classic software package downloaded from the CYPE website.

General improvements

Version 2021.g of CYPE’s programs is a closing version of the 2021 version.

As well as the new features and improvements expressly indicated in each version of CYPE software, process optimisation involving internal updates for all our programs is normally included. In each revision, all programs are systematically checked and changes are made to improve their performance, therefore, we recommend that our users (in this case those of v.2021) always update their version to the latest one, regardless of the country for which they are using CYPE software or the language in which it is installed.

User Coordinate System (UCS)

A tool has been added with which users can modify the coordinate system of the application. This tool is being implemented in several applications. In the 2021.a version, the tool is available in the following applications:

  • IFC Builder
  • CYPEPLUMBING Sanitary Systems
  • CYPEPLUMBING Water Systems
  • CYPEPLUMBING Solar Systems
  • Open BIM Lighting

Match rotation of lights

Now, the "Match" option, located in the "Edit" group of the toolbar, can be used to copy the orientation of one light to others. The corresponding values will be assigned to rotation angles Rx, Ry and Rz. This option was already available in previous versions of the application for "Height" and "Type of light” properties.

3D rotation of lights

As of the 2019.g version, CYPELUX allows users to rotate lights about their3 axes. This way, lights can be installed on the walls of the project and to direct projectors in a specific direction. The orientationcan be configured using the editing panel of the lights (indoor, outdoor and emergency), where users must indicate the rotation angle of the light on each of its axes:

  • Rx: Rotation angle of the light about its longitudinal axis, corresponding to the horizontal photometric plane of 0-180 degrees. Positive anti-clockwise when looking in the direction of the axis.
  • Ry: Rotation angle of the light about its transverse axis, corresponding to the horizontal photometric plane of 90-270 degrees. Positive anti-clockwise when looking in the direction of the axis.
  • Rz: Rotation angle of the light about its normal axis. Positive anti-clockwise when looking in the direction of the axis.

The rotations are applied in the following order: Rx, Ry and Rz.

64-bit Version

As of the 2019.f version, CYPE programs (those downloaded from our website and those downloaded from the BIMserver.center platform) are compiled for 64-bit systems. The 64-bit compilation of CYPE software implies the use of the superior features of 64-bit processors and operating systems compared to those of 32 bits.

Please bear in mind that you must have a 64-bit operating system to be able to work with any 64-bit software.

In any case and as a temporary measure, the 2019.f version is available in 64 and 32 bits on the download area of our webpage. The programs that can be downloaded from the BIMserver.center platform are only available in 64 bits. If you have a 64-bit operating system, you can work with either the 64-bit and 32-bit version of our software, although we strongly recommend that you install the 64-bit CYPE software version.

You can see which operating system is installed on your computer by clicking on "Control panel > System".

Since 64-bit microprocessors began to be massively introduced into personal computers from 2003 and from the Windows XP version, Microsoft already offers the two versions of its operating systems (32 and 64 bits). We understand that almost all our users will have computers with 64-bit processors (x64) and 64-bit operating systems.

It could occur that a user may wish to work with a computer with a 64-bit processor but with a 32-bit operating system. It would be very strange if the computer had a 32-bit processor (x86 - computers over 15 years old). If any of these is your case, we advise you to talk to your hardware or software provider to update your situation as soon as possible. However, you can download the 32-bit version and work with CYPE programs that can be downloaded from our website until your situation is up-to-date.

View photometric curves in the 3D views of the application and in GLTF

As of the 2019.e version, CYPELUX, CYPELUX CTE, CYPELUX EN and CYPELUX RECS display the photometric curves of the lights used in the project in the 3D view.

Additionally, this information can be included in the BIM model located on the BIMserver.center platform as part of a GLTF file. The user and the different collaborators of the project will be able to visualize the GLTF file with the photometry using the BIMserver.center web viewer or any program that can read GLTF format files.

Consult BIM information

As of the 2019.e version, the applications that are integrated in the Open BIM workflow can consult the BIM information contained in the GLTF format files in the same way as on the BIMserver.center platform.

BIM model views

As of the 2019.e version, the 3D representation in the applications that are integrated in the Open BIM workflow contains the elements of the application itself as well as those contained in the GLTF files exported by the rest of the applications whose IFC files have been linked to the model.

New 3D view system

The 2019.e version includes a new 3D view system in most of its programs: CYPECAD, CYPE 3D and the entire family of applications integrated in the Open BIM workflow. It will be incorporated progressively in other programs.

The properties of the system are:

  • Improvement in the speed with which scenes containing many objects are drawn

  • Dynamic calculation of the rotation pivot of the camera

  • Rotation around a point indicated by users

  • Possibility to define global section planes X, Y or Z

  • Zoom to the object under the cursor in the perspective and orthogonal views

For this viewing system to operate correctly, the applications require a video card that is compatible with OpenGL 3.3 or higher.

Reading of the suspended ceilings defined in the BIM model

Open BIM Suspended Ceilings (new program that has been implemented in this version) exports the layout of the suspended ceilings of the project to the BIM model. Also in this version, all CYPELUX programs (CYPELUX, CYPELUX EN, CYPELUX CTE, CYPELUX RECS, CYPELUX HQE and CYPELUX LEED) can read the suspended ceiling panels and show them as a template on the floor plans of the project. This way, it is easy to verify where exactly, a light can be placed so not to collide with the hanging elements of the suspended ceiling of the accessible panels.

The visibility of the suspended ceiling can be controlled using the “Layer management” option, which is located in the “View” menu of the application toolbar.