Results output
BoQ reports

Within the "Bill of quantities" tab, in the "BoQ reports" group of the main toolbar, the necessary features for generating bill of quantities reports can be found.
The generation of reports will be performed immediately; simply click on the "BoQ reports" option and activate the required reports from those available:
- Quantities
- Cost breakdown structure
- Priced bill of quantities
- Priced bill of quantities (Table)
- Detailed priced bills of quantities
- BoQ summary
- Specifications
- Environmental impact indicators
- Construction and demolition waste
- Certificate-to-origin
- Certificate summary
The configuration of these reports allows for the inclusion of additional data (project, location, developer, author and date), visible in the different reports to be generated.
The tool also allows users to restrict the reports to those elements that meet a filter condition by tag.
Exporting the bill of quantities to FIEBDC-3 format

As well as generating reports, the bill of quantities can be exported in standard FIEBDC-3 (.bc3) format so that it can be read by any compatible application.
To carry out the export, simply use the "Export BC3" tool in the "Import/Export" group of the "Bill of quantities" tab, assign a name to the file and activate the desired boxes to include associated information (graphic information, attached documents, specifications, technical information, etc.).