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Normativa sul Calcestruzzo ABNT NBR 6118:2014 (Brasile)

Norma Brasiliana ABNT NBR 6118 (2014). Projeto de estruturas de concreto - Procedimento.

La presente norma brasiliana sul calcestruzzo, la cui entrata in vigore ha avuto luogo il 29 maggio 2014, è stata implementata in CYPECAD e in altri programmi del software CYPE nella versione 2015.a.

Implementazione della normativa. ABNT NBR 6118:2014 (Brasil)

Norma Brasiliana ABNT NBR 6118 (2014). Projeto de estruturas de concreto – Procedimento.

Implementata in CYPECADCYPE 3D (Strutture 3D), Verifica a punzonamentoElementi di fondazione e Travi continue.

Miglioramenti nell'applicazione delle norme. Eurocode 2 (Rumania)

This code was already implemented in CYPE programs as of previous versions.

Now, with the 2014.m version, when Eurocode 2 (Rumania) is selected in CYPECAD, columns and beams are edited using their corresponding advanced editors.

More information on CYPECAD’s advanced column editor. 

More information on CYPECAD’s advanced beam editor. 

If a seismic analysis is carried out, Eurocode 2 (Rumania) is compatible with a group of seismic codes which allow for the advanced beam and column editors to continue to be used, and take into account the capacity design criteria for concrete columns and beams:

  • Eurocode 8 (EU)
    EN 1998-1. Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance – Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings
  • 1997 UBC (USA)
    Uniform Building Code
  • 2009 IBC (USA)
    International Building Code
    This code does not have any capacity design criteria available.

Implementazione di normativa. Eurocode 1 (Rumania)

SR EN 1991-1-4/NB (2007) Eurocode 1: Actions on structures. Part 1-4: General actions – Wind actions. National annex (SR EN 1991-1-4/NB).

Implemented in CYPECAD.

Export to IFC. Definition of column ends

The 2014.j version includes two options to define the end of each column span in a different manner when exporting the CYPECAD job to IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) format:

  • The end of the column is situated at the bottom surface of the floor slab or beam of the floor above.
  • The end of the column is situated at the top surface of the floor slab or beam of the floor above.

Code implementation. NTDV 1997 (El Salvador)

Norma Técnica para Diseño por Viento (El Salvador, 1997).

Implemented in CYPECAD.

Implementation and update of ATEX (Brazil) removable form waffle slabs

New types of waffle slabs with removable forms, belonging to the Brazilian manufacturer ATEX, have been implemented. All floor slabs belonging to that manufacturer have also been updated. The 2014.i version has a total of 110 ATEX floor slabs available.

The previously mentioned implementation and update is available when one of the following Brazilian design codes has been selected:

  • ABNT NBR 6118 Projeto Junho 2013
  • ABNT NBR 6118:2007
  • ABNT NBR 6118:2003

Analyse the structure without obtaining the reinforcement

The 2014.i version includes a new analysis option: Analyse the structure without obtaining the reinforcement (Beam Definition tab > Analyse).

Using this option, users can obtain the forces and displacements of the structure without the need to design its elements. By not designing the elements, the time required to analyse the structure is reduced.

This can save users a substantial amount of time when structures requiring a long analysis period are being designed, since usually, the first analyses are used to check that the dimensions of the structural elements that have been introduced are adequate, so to avoid excessive displacements.

Code implementation. NTDS. Norma Técnica para Diseño por Sismo (El Salvador)

Norma Técnica para Diseño por Sísmico (El Salvador)

Implemented in CYPECAD and Metal 3D.

The 2014.i version includes in CYPECAD:

  • static analysis method (equivalent lateral force)
    The analysis method selection (dynamic or static) is carried out using the Analysis method option within the dialogue box where the seismic load is defined.
  • Correction due to base shear
    This correction is applied to the seismic analysis using the dynamic analysis (spectral modal) method. To calculate the base shear with the ABNT NBR 15421:2006 code, CYPECAD offers two options for users to indicate the Fundamental period of the structure in two ways:
  • Based on the code
  • Specified by the user

More information on the correction due to base shear carried out by CYPECAD .
More information on how the fundamental period of the structure is determined .

Improved code application. L and Z cold-formed sections for AISI/NASPEC-2007 (LRFD) (USA), AISI/NASPEC-2007 (LRFD) (Mexico) and CAN/CSA S136-07 (Canada)

    North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members.
  • AISI/NASPEC-2007 (LRFD) (México)
    North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members. S136-07 Endorsed in Mexico by CANACERO.
  • CAN/CSA S136-07 (Canadá)
    North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members. Approved in Canada by the Canadian Standards Association CSA.

These design standards were already implemented in CYPECAD and Metal 3D. As of the 2014.i version, the program implements the design of L and Z-shaped cold-formed sections.

Code implementation and improvements in its application. ABNT NBR 15421:2006 (Brasil)

Projeto de estruturas resistentes a sismos - Procedimento.

This code was already implemented as of previous versions for CYPECAD and Metal 3D for the dynamic analysis method (modal spectral).
The 2014.h version includes in CYPECAD:

  • static analysis method (equivalent lateral force)
    The analysis method selection (dynamic or static) is carried out using the Analysis method option within the dialogue box where the seismic load is defined.
  • Correction due to base shear
    This correction is applied to the seismic analysis using the dynamic analysis (spectral modal) method. To calculate the base shear with the ABNT NBR 15421:2006 code, CYPECAD offers two options for users to indicate the Fundamental period of the structure in two ways:
    • Based on the code
    • Specified by the user

More information on the correction due to base shear carried out by CYPECAD.

More information on how the fundamental period of the structure is determined.

Calculation of the base shear when floors below ground level are not considered in the dynamic analysis

When CYPECAD carries out a dynamic analysis (modal spectral) to calculate the seismic action, users have the option to not consider any floors below ground level in the dynamic model. To do so, the option “Consider the floors below ground level in the dynamic model” has to be deactivated.

On the other hand, when designing in accordance to some seismic standards, the minimum base shear condition must be met when a dynamic analysis (modal spectral) is applied. This minimum value is equal to a percentage of the shear at the base of the structure (base shear), which is calculated using a static method. 

As of the 2014.g version, the calculation of the base shear takes into account the deactivating of the “Consider the floors below ground level in the dynamic model” option. In other words, if users deactivate this option, the program only takes into account the floors above ground level when calculating the base shear using the static method.