CYPELLM LLM technology for modelling and evaluating the design of a construction project. Project description: Aims: The general aim of the project consists of the
CYPE is a Spanish research-intensive SME dedicated to developing technical software for Architecture, Engineering and Construction professionals. We develop solutions based on open formats for many different areas: energy efficiency, structures, architecture, LCA, acoustics, MEP, cost estimation, fire protection, lighting, gas, urban planning, telecommunications, health and safety, etc.
Our approach focuses on developing BIM simulation software and design code compliance. CYPE is involved in all levels of research related to the different phases of the Construction Life Cycle.
The entire CYPE ecosystem of tools is interconnected via the cloud. This allows highly complex projects to be developed collaboratively with real-time synchronisation. Furthermore, storing information in the cloud ensures persistence and immediate access from any device or web browser.
CYPE software automates all phases of project development, including programs that generate manufacturing drawings and lists of parts for the construction of specific brand-name equipment.
CYPELLM LLM technology for modelling and evaluating the design of a construction project. Project description: Aims: The general aim of the project consists of the
MULTI-faceted CLIMate adaptation ACTions to improve resilience, preparedness and responsiveness of the built environment against multiple hazards at multiple scales.
Fly2Work aims at fostering youth employability by creating a methodology jointly with a set of tools and good practices that will help companies and, in general, all sorts of employers (social enterprises, foundations, associations, etc.) to design good onboarding plans adapted to their own needs.
Change toolkit for digital building permit project is an innovation and research EU-funded project that will provide an innovative toolkit supporting the digitalization of building permit issuing and automated compliance checks.
The general objective of the project is the research and development of a new technology that connects the different phases of an architecture, engineering and construction project.
The BIMEPD project addresses, given its nature, the production and development of BIM-based multimedia material by considering the challenges associated with Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)
TIMEPAC will help improve existing energy certification processes and move from single, static certification to more holistic and dynamic approaches.
BIMPUBLI New three-dimensional advertising technology based on the intelligent, real-time placement of "dynamic ads" The project has been co-financed by the Spanish National Infrastructure CDTI
The SATO project Self Assessment Towards Optimisation of Building Energy The SATO project aims to create a new real-time energy optimisation self-assessment platform that integrates
Accelerator of construction solutions for zero energy buildings and neighbourhoods
Open Collaborative Platform for Architecture, Engineering and Construction Projects
BIM planning methods to guarantee energy efficiency during the construction process
New construction collaborative platform based on predictive algorithms and Big Data analysis
Fire safety improvement for buildings by simulating fire propagation in the cloud