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Definition of the checks for evacuation paths

In the 2019.d version of CYPEFIRE Design, the way in which the checks of the Evacuation paths are defined has been changed (Evacuation distances and Number of exits).

In previous versions, a minimum distance and number of exits were defined, and so, different checks with different properties have to be defined for each path.

As of the 2019.d version, the evacuation distance is defined depending on the number of exits that are detected for each evacuation path and the number of exits depending on the occupancy that circulates along each path.

The image shows two different minimum evacuation distances; one for paths with a single evacuation exit and another for paths with 2 or more exits. It is also possible to see how a different number of exits has been defined depending on the occupancy.

This new way to define the checks allows users to edit them more quickly. Multiple checks no longer have to be defined for different paths because now a single check can apply different minimum values depending on the properties of the path that is being analysed.