

Associated programs

Export DXF and DWG templates to the IFC model of the building

The 2018.a version of IFC Builder allows users to export the DXF or DWG templates included in the project to IFC format. IFC Builder also allows users to generate a DXF template for each floor of the project to be exported to IFC format. The program generates them based on the construction elements included in the project. These templates can be useful when no previous DXF or DWG files exist.

For all this, two options have been implemented in the Export in "IFC" format dialogue box:

  • Export templates
    Exports the DXF or DWG templates of the project, including what has been managed by users (layer management, displacements, angle of rotation, etc.).
  • Generate DXF plans per floor
    The names of the DXF plans that are generated by the program are composed of the name of the project and that of the corresponding floor.

These templates can be read by CYPE programs linked to that project via the Open BIM workflow, which use a graphical data entry interface: CYPECAD, CYPELUX, CYPELEC, CYPEFIRE CTE, CYPEFIRE Sprinklers, CYPETEL, CYPEPLUMBING Sanitary Systems, CYPEGAS, CYPETHERM (HVAC, EPlus, CTE Plus, REC Plus, C.E...); and their generic and country-specific versions for those who have them.

This connection keeps the model updated with any changes that are made to the DXF or DWG templates in IFC Builder.