

Associated programs

Implementation of “Établissements recevant du public, ERP” (France)

As of the 2019.h version, CYPEFIRE Design includes the French “Établissements recevant du public, ERP” code. This new option can be found in the “General options” panel, in which the French flag appears.

This code has been partially included and more types will be included in upcoming versions. The 2019.h version includes the following activities:

  • Type J
    Structures d’accueil pour personnes âgées ou personnes handicapées
  • Type L
    Salles d’audition, de réunion, de conférences, de spectacles, à usages multiples...
  • Type M
    Magasins de vente, centres commerciaux
  • Type N
    Restaurants, débits de boissons
  • Type O
  • Type P
    Salles de danse, de jeux
  • Type R
    Établissements d’enseignement, colonies de vacances
  • Type S
    Bibliothèques, centres de documentation
  • Type V
    Établissements de culte
  • Type W
    Administrations, banques, bureaux
  • Type X
    Établissements sportifs couverts

If the program, “CYPEFIRE Class’ERP” (implemented in this version) has been used previously, the project types that can be imported automatically in the application to solve the project are those indicated in this list.