

Associated programs

Integration of CYPETHERM improvements in the Open BIM workflow

With the 2018.g version, CYPETHERM Improvements can be downloaded from the platform and is included in the Open BIM workflow.

As occurred in previous versions, for CYPTHERM Improvements to carry out the analysis of improvement measures in building, it must import the required information from energy simulation CYPETHERM programs that use the EnergyPlus analysis engine (CYPETHERM HE Plus, CYPETHERM RECS Plus, and CYPETHERM EPlus), CYPETHERM C.E. of Italy, CYPETHERM REH of Portugal and CYPETHERM RT2012 and CYPETHERM RTExistant of France. This information can also be generated directly in CYPETHERM Improvements, but the most efficient way is to import it from the indicated programs.

In previous versions, this information was exported from the aforementioned programs and was imported in CYPETHERM Improvements using XML format files. Now, the version of CYPETHERM Improvements that is downloaded from the platform obtains this information from the IFC files that are generated by CYPETHERM programs using the Open BIM workflow.

The version of CYPETHERM Improvements that is downloaded from the Download Area of the CYPE website continues to relate itself with CYPETHERM programs by interchanging XML format files.