

Associated programs

Integration of TOP CABLE in the manufacturer elements

The following TOP CABLE families have been added to the manufacturer cable library:

  • TOXFREE ZH ES05Z1-K and H07Z1-K (AS)
  • TOPFLEX V-K H05V-K and H07V-K

This way, more options are available when having to select the conductor for the installations. Even thought the complete catalogue is not available, the families provided by TOP CABLE cover the needs of their clients in a high percentage of the installations. Nonetheless, work is being carried out to increase this library and offer our users a greater variety of conductors.

Manufacturer cables are selected using the “Manufacturer cable” option in the “Type of conductor” of the “Description” of the line. The “Cable” panel offers users the possibility to select amongst the families that are imported to the library. The program will show a list of filtered elements so that only those that are compatible with the polarity and type of selected conductor are displayed, this way selection errors are avoided.