

Associated programs

Selecting surfaces exposed to fire in steel sections and timber bars

In CYPE 3D version 2025.a, we have implemented the selection, by bar, of the surfaces exposed to fire, in steel sections and timber bars.

In the "Bar" menu, the "Fire resistance" option can be used to assign the exposed surfaces to the selected bars. This option will be active when users have selected the "Check fire resistance" option in "General data".

For steel sections, users can choose any of the predefined options from the drop-down button, in which the program automatically determines the form factor based on the exposed surfaces; or select the last option, where they manually enter the form factor and the number of exposed surfaces.

For rectangular section timber bars, users may decide whether or not each of the four surfaces of the section is exposed to fire.

Up until version 2025.a, the program would conservatively consider all exposed faces.

With this new feature, users will be able to optimise the thickness of the protective coatings as well as the sections of the bars when the faces of the bars are not exposed to fire.