

Associated programs

Generation of the self-weight of bars

Since the first version of Metal 3D (CYPE 3D as of the 2014.a version), the self-weight of the sections that are introduced are automatically generated by the program, regardless of the type of material that has been selected: steel, aluminium, timber, or any other user-defined material (except for steel bars defined as ties, for which the self-weight of the section is not taken into account).

As of the 2015.b version, the automatic generation of the self-weight of the sections that have been introduced is optional. A new option has been implemented: Generate self-weight loads of the bars (Load menu). When this option is selected, a dialogue box opens where the self-weight of the bars, selected after accepting the dialogue box, can be activated or deactivated.

CYPE 3D generates the self-weight of all the bars by default. The self-weight of bars defined as ties is still not taken into account, furthermore, the option “Generation of the self-weight of bars” does not allow for bars defined as ties to be selected.