

Associated programs

Implementation of the materials library of the ISO 10456 code

The materials library of the ISO 10456 code has been implemented in the English and Spanish versions.

  • English
    EN ISO 10456. Building materials and products. Hygrothermal properties. Tabulated design values and procedures for determining declared and design thermal values.
  • Spanish
    UNE-EN ISO 10456. Materiales y productos para la edificación. Propiedades higrotérmicas. Valores tabulados de diseño y procedimientos para la determinación de los valores térmicos declarados y de diseño.

Users can select this library to define the construction elements from any of the countries that can be selected in CYPECAD MEP, regardless of whether their code is implemented (Spain, France and Portugal) or not.

The material libraries which can be used depending on the country selected in CYPECAD MEP are:

  • Spain
    • LIDER (CTE)
    • UNE-EN ISO 10456
  • France
    • RT2005
    • EN ISO 10456
  • Portugal
    • LNEC
    • EN ISO 456
  • International version (Others option)
    • LIDER (CTE) (Spain)
    • LNEC (Portugal)
    • RT-2005 (France)
    • UNI 10351 (Italy)
    • EN ISO 10456 (Europa)
  • Remaining countries (Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Cape Verde, Morocco and Mozambique)
    • LIDER (CTE) (Spain)
    • LNEC (Portugal)
    • RT-2005 (France)
    • UNI 10351 (Italy)
    • EN ISO 10456 (Europe)

The names of the materials of each library are only available in the language in which the standard controlling them is written, regardless of the language in which the program has been installed or the country selected in CYPECAD MEP. In this sense, ISO 10456 is available in English (EN ISO 10456) for all countries, except for Spain, for which the Spanish adaptation of the code is available.