Associated programs

Editing tools

The main tools for editing the elements entered in the model are located in the "Edit" group of the main toolbar.

Some of these tools are common to other CYPE programs.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is editar.pngEditSelects an element in the model and edits its parametric properties.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is borrar.pngDeleteThis works in the same way as the "Delete" key.
MoveMoves the selected items from a reference point.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is mover.pngMove a group of elementsMoves a group of elements.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is girar.pngRotateRotates the selected elements.
Rotate about an axisRotates a group of elements around an axis defined by two points.
CopyCopies elements including the same parametric properties.
Copy onto another floor planCopies the selection onto another floor plan.
Symmetry (copy)Copies a selection of elements with symmetry about a vertical plane defined by two points.
Symmetry (move)Moves a selection of elements with symmetry about a vertical plane defined by two points.
Modify height positionModifies the height position of the selection.
Assign phasesAssign an imported or inserted element to its corresponding phases.
Assign selectionAssigns the selection.
Measure lengthsMeasures lengths by selecting two points.
Show/Hide incidentsControls the display of incidents.