Manufacturer's solutions

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Direct connection between your products and industry professionals

At CYPE we connect manufacturers directly with construction professionals thanks to a wide range of solutions for the design of buildings. Request a demo of our programs now and discover the demand for your products.

Want to find out more? Wait no further and request one of our demos, where you can:

  • Benefit from a complete run-through of CYPE’s programs.
  • Receive customised advice, adapted to your needs and interests.
  • Get the answers to all your questions.

CYPE software is used by manufacturers all over the world, including:

Antonio Barrón

Head of sales for the central-south area for commercial heating and air conditioning at Bosch Termotecnia in Spain

"The new Open BIM BOSCH tool developed by CYPE can be used to select the most suitable system to maximise the building's energy efficiency and reduce any potential errors"

“The building industry constantly faces new challenges to make buildings that are more sustainable, environmentally friendly and able to meet the demands of air conditioning while keeping energy consumption low so that inhabitants do not have to give up the comfort of their homes’’

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