Antonio Barrón

Head of sales for the central-south area for commercial heating and air conditioning at Bosch Termotecnia in Spain

"The new Open BIM BOSCH tool developed by CYPE can be used to select the most suitable system to maximise the building's energy efficiency and reduce any potential errors"

“The building industry constantly faces new challenges to make buildings that are more sustainable, environmentally friendly and able to meet the demands of air conditioning while keeping energy consumption low so that inhabitants do not have to give up the comfort of their homes’’

“The building industry constantly faces new challenges to make buildings that are more sustainable, environmentally friendly and able to meet the demands of air conditioning while keeping energy consumption low so that inhabitants do not have to give up the comfort of their homes’’

Was the development of Open BIM BOSCH your first experience with Open BIM technology?

Yes, the Bosch VRF range is the first of our ranges to be available in Open BIM technology. We currently have different materials available which make it easier to apply our products, and Open BIM fits perfectly with the needs of the designer in a variable refrigerant flow range.

Why did you opt for this technology?

At Bosch, we are aware of the importance of creating a future where collaboration, cooperation, optimisation and ease of work are key to the construction industry. This, together with our commitment to making the work of our professionals (designers, architectural and engineering firms) easier, has led us to launch our own customised version of the CYPE Open BIM tool.

“At Bosch, we are aware of the importance of creating a future where collaboration, cooperation, optimisation and ease of work are key to the construction industry”

With Open BIM BOSCH you offer your clients a free state-of-the-art design and analysis tool, what do you expect from its implementation and its use among professionals in the industry?

Thanks to this technology, at Bosch we make it possible to implement a collaborative, multidisciplinary and multi-user workflow, enabling the development of projects in an open, coordinated and simultaneous way. In this workflow, the project is resolved iteratively through the progressive resolution of its different aspects or components.

Which markets is the program intended for?

The program will be available for Spain and Portugal.

What advantages does this solution have for your customers?

CYPE's proposed way of working differs from the proposed workflows based on previously existing BIM tools on the market. The main advantage of this workflow is that it's based on open and public standard exchange formats (IFC), so the BIM project content is not linked to any specific application or program.

What product ranges are included in the program and what are the future development plans?

For the time being, the Open BIM BOSCH tool has been created to facilitate the design, analysis and BIM modelling of Bosch VRF systems, in its Air Flux and MDCI ranges.

How will this program help in achieving and selecting the most appropriate HVAC system to maximise the energy efficiency of the building?

Thanks to the flow of data provided by the Open BIM BOSCH tool, it is faster to select the most suitable system to maximise the energy efficiency of the building and, at the same time, the chances of making mistakes are reduced. This is because, once the building data has been entered, the system shows the different equipment that can supply its thermal loads and notifies users of any possible errors so that they can be corrected.

How is BOSCH adapting its VRF systems to become more efficient and in tune with new market trends and needs?

In response to the trend of increasing demand for any power in this type of solution, this past year Bosch Termotecnia has launched the Air Flux series, a highly energy-efficient VRF (variable refrigerant flow) system, which stands out for its compact industrial design and simple use.

“The new Bosch Air Flux is a system that can efficiently manage heating and cooling, backed by the knowledge and experience of a global brand with a strong reputation in the industry’’

In addition to offering the widest power range on the market (from 25 kW to 90 kW), this series covers the entire product range with two complete families of 13 outdoor units each (individual and combinable) for a capacity of up to 270 kW, intelligent indoor units and control systems, as well as new planning software.

Furthermore, it features an integrated energy management system that automatically adjusts evaporation and condensation temperatures, ensuring maximum comfort levels and energy savings during operation.

This range is accompanied by a new centralised control, Air Center Control, of the latest generation, with touch screen and connectivity that guarantees a high operational level of security, confidence and comfort, controlling up to 64 indoor units and 8 systems as a base and with an additional accessory up to 256 indoor units and 32 systems.

With this solution, Bosch is increasingly focusing on efficiency and connectivity, an essential part of the company's DNA, applying the latest technologies to adapt to customers' needs and provide them with maximum comfort. In short, The new Bosch Air Flux is a system that can efficiently manage heating and cooling, backed by the knowledge and experience of a global brand with a strong reputation in the industry.

What would you highlight about this collaboration and the work carried out by CYPE?

From the very beginning, we have maintained a close collaboration and it has been a pleasure to see how the entire CYPE team has been willing to meet the expectations and demands we had set for the project.

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