

Associated programs

Cost database based on resources from CYPE's construction cost database "Generador de precios" and mapping files

As of this version of CYPEPLUMBING Water Systems (2023.g) users can now generate a cost database of resources from the CYPE construction cost database "Generador de precios". For this purpose, the "Generador de precios - CYPEPLUMBING Water Systems" option (which includes a version and date reference) has been added within the window for creating a cost database, in the "Bill of quantities" tab of the application. When selected, a new button will appear to define the "Site data" of the job. This site will be used to complete the information associated with the resources.

Once the "Site data" window has been accepted, users can view the generated resources grouped in a work section structure. Each resource corresponds to a different material and contains a breakdown that includes the material itself and the labour and auxiliary materials needed for its installation. Please note that, apart from the price, these elements contain information on their physical properties, environmental data and waste.

To use this cost database in a project, it must be combined with a mapping file in order to establish the relationship between the elements of the model, defined in the "Installation" tab, and the cost database resources. To do this, users should use the resource mapping tools that have been available since version 2023.e.

However, to make the association process easier, the following file has been added to the list of mapping files, which will appear by default.

  • Price Generator - CYPEPLUMBING Water Systems (EN 806-3)

This mapping file complies with the predefined standard "EN 806-3", which can be imported in the "Installation" tab from the "General options" window. This file includes all types of elements from this standard. Consequently, if only these components are used, no mapping needs to be defined for the "Bill of quantities" tab.