The program lets users continue to work on 2D templates from the BIM model or on templates imported from the program in DXF, DWG, DWF formats; or in various image formats (JPEG, JPG, PNG or WMF). This maintains the compatibility of work in those projects that do not have a 3D architectural model.
Unlike the implementation of the "Bill of quantities" tab in other CYPE apps, in CYPELUX it is not necessary to establish a correspondence between the elements measured on the design model and the bill of quantities concepts (mapping). This is because CYPELUX has the capacity to generate items automatically from the lighting from the Open BIM Database.
Within the data table associated with each light, the "Bill of quantities" field has been included, which indicates whether the product contains the necessary information to generate the bill of quantities for the installation. In addition, the "Cost databases" button has been added within the "Project" group of the toolbar. This option can be used to indicate the location of the job and its characteristics in order to adjust the bill of quantities.
The documents for the bill of quantities can be extracted in various types of reports (Quantities, Price justification, Bill of quantities, Detailed priced bill of quantities, BOQ summary) which can be exported in HTML, DOCX, PDF, RTF and TXT format. When sharing the results in a contribution, it is also possible to include these documents via the "BoQ Reports" option.
More information on the "Bill of quantities" tab in Open BIM project phase applications.