

Associated programs

Improvements in panels and tools

Units panel

Grouping of measurement units in the units configuration panel is organised in the “Primary measurement units”, “General measurement units”, “Thermal measurement units” and “Drawings” tabs. This grouping already existed in previous version but all the units were displayed in the same table, which generated a very long panel.

Separate blocking of the width and height of ducts

As of the 2018.g version, users can separately block the height and width of rectangular ducts. Now, one of the two dimensions is fixed so it is not modified during the analysis. In previous versions, when the duct was blocked, both dimensions were blocked at the same time.

Introduction of elements by lengths

The tool that marks the distance to nearby objects when an element is introduced has been improved.

For example, when a grille is moved along duct while it is being placed, a dimensions line appears that indicates the distance to the end of the duct. In previous versions, only the numerical value of the distance appeared.