

Associated programs

Integrated 3D structures of CYPECAD

The integrated 3D structures of CYPECAD can be introduced directly in CYPECAD or imported from a CYPE 3D project.

As of previous versions, the bars of a CYPE 3D structure defined as "rectangular or circular concrete columns or beams" were imported into CYPECAD as generic bar type elements. These bars had to be redefined by users as generic concrete bars of the corresponding section so that their inertia within the integrated 3D structure of CYPECAD corresponded to reality.

As of the 2019.f version of CYPECAD, the bars of the integrated 3D structures that are present from having imported a CYPE 3D project and have been defined as "rectangular or circular concrete columns or beams" in CYPE 3D, are defined as "generic rectangular or circular concrete bars" as appropriate, in CYPECAD. This way, these bars in CYPECAD are analysed as they have been in CYPE 3D without users having to redefine the sections in CYPECAD.