The following acoustic indices have been added to the advanced search tool of the database:
- Rw: Weighted sound reduction index [dB].
- Dn,e,w: Weighted element-normalized level difference [dB].
- Dn,f,w: Weighted normalized flanking level difference [dB].
- Ln,w: Weighted normalized impact sound pressure level [dB].
- ΔLw: Weighted reduction in impact sound pressure level [dB].
- ΔRw: Weighted sound reduction index improvement [dB].
- Ln,f,w: Weighted normalized flanking impact sound pressure level difference [dB].
- Lna: Normalized sound pressure level, A-Weighted [dB(A)].
- Lsc: Characteristic sound pressure level (structure-borne sound) [dB].
- Lwa: Sound power level, A-Weighted [dB(A)].
- αw: Weighted sound absorption coefficient according to EN ISO 11654.
- LiA: Rain impact noise intensity level, A-Weighted [dB(A)].
This way, it is now possible to filter elements that appear in the access interface of the database in accordance with the requirements of the project.