Version 2021.f of StruBIM Shear Walls also includes other slight enhancements and corrections of errors that may appear on rare occasions:
- The distribution of vertical reinforcement bars in shear walls has been improved.
- The distribution of crossties in shear walls and coupling beams has been improved.
- The design process can now be cancelled.
- An error during the job update, which occasionally occurred after a shear wall had been added in CYPECAD, has now been fixed.
- Generating intervals in "Segment classification" if there are several unconnected segments in a section with the same direction has been improved.
- Checking transverse crossties in Eurocode type regulations has been improved. Previously, in some cases, not every crosstie was considered.
- The default value for "Minimum number of layers" in "Reinforcement layout criteria" has been changed to 2.