

Associated programs

Tags. New name and functioning of the display layers

In previous versions, the program had display layers. With the "Layer management" tool, users could create layers and define their configuration, and each element could have one or more layers assigned to it.

As of version 2025.b, this tool is now called "Tags" and will be one of the dockable windows that users can keep on screen (more information on the new CYPE 3D version 2025.b dockable window environment). This window is divided into several sections: the list of tags, the list of categories and other drawing options.

While defining and analysing the model, users often need to show or hide certain elements and enable or disable elements that can be snapped (for deleting, editing, etc.). This implementation gives users direct access to this tool. One of its main advantages is being able to activate/deactivate the display and/or snapping of elements according to tags or categories with a click of the mouse.