New features of the 2014.k version
Summary of the HE 2013 update in CYPECAD MEP
On the 12th September, Order FOM/1635/2013, of the 10th September, was published in the BOE (Official State Bulletin) Num. 219 (I. DISPOSICIONES GENERALES, MINISTERIO DE FOMENTO). This order updated the Basic Document DB HE “Ahorro de Energía” (Energy Saving), of the CTE (Spanish Building Technical Code), approved by Royal Decree 314/2006, of the 17th March.
As of the 2014.i version, a new tool and changes have been implemented in CYPECAD MEP to ensure the new DB-HE is complied with.
Now, with the 2014.k version, the following are included:
Thermal analysis – HE 1
The model CYPECAD MEP generates to be exported to CYPETERM HE (analysis motor of CYPECAD MEP to analyse and justify the new CTE DB HE 1 2013) has been corrected.
Users can also select the residential use profile to be used when calculating the energy demand, in a similar manner as to how it done from this version of CYPETERM HE.
Lighting – HE 3
As of the 2014.k version, CYPECAD MEP’s analysis and results incorporate the modifications indicated in Royal Decree 314/2006, of the 17th March regarding section HE 3, “Eficiencia Energética de las Instalaciones de Iluminación” (Energy Efficiency of Lighting Installations).
Users can choose between designing in accordance with the CTE DB-HE 3 of 2006 or with the modified document, CTE DB-HE 3 of 2013, by selecting the code to be applied from the General data menu.
Amongst the implemented changes (when the CTE DB-HE 3 of 2013 is selected) are:
- A new check of the limited power installed for the lighting in the building, taking into account the power of lights and auxiliary equipment, in accordance with section 2.2 regarding the power installed in the building.
- Changes carried out on the table containing the limiting energy efficiency values of the installation, on the activity zone types and limits of the limiting values for each of them.
Update of job examples
The “Vivienda unifamiliar” and “Bloque de 8 viviendas” examples are updated. Their analogous examples are also updated in the CTE reports.
Correction of the DXF or DWG measurement which did not allow for the “Linear length” measurement or “Delete measurement” button to be used in specific cases with the previous version (2014.j).