New features

2021.g Version

31 May 2021

New features common to several programs

General improvements

Version 2021.g of CYPE’s programs is a closing version of the 2021 version.

As well as the new features and improvements expressly indicated in each version of CYPE software, process optimisation involving internal updates for all our programs is normally included. In each revision, all programs are systematically checked and changes are made to improve their performance, therefore, we recommend that our users (in this case those of v.2021) always update their version to the latest one, regardless of the country for which they are using CYPE software or the language in which it is installed.


Improvements and corrections

CYPECAD version 2021.g includes some minor improvements and corrections for the program that could occur in rare situations:

  • Exporting plans to PDF format has been improved. Several problems with the "Adobe PDF" printer emulator have been solved.
  • As of version 2021.g, beam reinforcement tables defined for standard ACI 318M-14 in jobs following standard ACI 318M-19 can be imported.
  • As of version 2021.g, users can snap templates generated during project creation using the "Automatic Introduction IFC" option.
  • An error in the discretisation of slabs with sloped planes which could occur due to an accuracy problem when several coplanar panels come into contact has been fixed.
  • An error that occurred when activating snaps after adding a floor into a project imported from a BIM model has been fixed.
  • Snapping beam axes in the beam input process when the "Orthogonal on/off" option is activated has been improved. Due to a previous improvement in this option, this snap was only possible if the mouse cursor was placed exactly on the beam axis.

StruBIM Shear Walls

Improvements and corrections

StruBIM Shear Walls version 2021.g includes the correction of an error that could occur whilst carrying out normal loading checks when the angle between two consecutive sides of a polygon defining the wall section is close to 180º.