Update history​


Updating the acoustic tests database

The acoustic test database of the CSTB has been updated to add new products to the Technical equipment class.

  • Technical equipment
    • Individual heating or air-conditioning service equipment
      • Traditional products
        • Heat pump – low temperature, Lw=65dB(A)
    • Mechanical ventilation, single extraction group
      • Traditional products
        • Extraction fan, Lw=64dB(A)
        • Extraction fan, Lw=71dB(A)

Import outdoor sound sources from the BIM model

In the 2018.g version of AcoubatBIM by CYPE, the functionality to read and interpret indoor sound sources defined in an IFC file included in the BIM model was implemented. Now, the same task has been carried out for equipment installed outside the building such as the outdoor units of VRF, Multi-split and 1x1 Split systems. These devices can be introduced in the BIM model using the air-conditioning installations program CYPETHERM HVAC.

During the import process, the application automatically calculates the values of the parameters: r (distance between the source and closest enclosure of each affected space) and D (directivity factor - Q – of the machine) corresponding to each equipment set, based on the position of the source and the geometry of the building.

Types of equipment noise

Now, instead of selecting the operation of each type of equipment (continuous, intermittent or emergency), users can define these options. This way, the application can carry out a more exact interpretation of the different acoustic codes. Additionally, for each type of specific noise, users can indicate if the noise produced by each source is to be evaluated individually (heating or air-conditioning equipment) or collectively (grilles or diffusers of the ventilation system).

Acoustic index for equipment noise

The configuration of the acoustic index that is used to measure noise generated by the equipment of the building has been included in the design options, amongst the general parameters of the project. Users can select one of the following global sound pressure level indices:

  • LA: Sound pressure level in a space, [dBA]
  • LnA: Normalized sound pressure level in a space, [dBA]
  • LnAT: Standardized sound pressure level in space, [dBA]

Furthermore, users can indicate how the absorption of the emitter space is to be calculated. This can be carried out in the design options panel or in each space of the project. If it is carried out in the latter manner, it will prevail over what is indicated in the design options. Users can choose one of the following alternatives:

  • T = T0 = 0.5s (A = 0.16•V/T0)
  • A = A0 = 10m2
  • Use real absorption

Calculation of the sound pressure level produced by outdoor equipment

As of the 2018.i version, AcoubatBIM by CYPE allows users to define sources of outdoor noise, which generally correspond to the equipment installed in the building. A product from the Acoubat database can be assigned to each type of source and users must indicate the type of noise of the machine, depending on the classes defined in the general parameters of the project.

For each outdoor equipment set, users must indicate the distance between the source and the closest enclosure of each affected space (r). Depending on the surfaces close to the source, the value of the directivity factor (Q) of the machine must be established.

New parameters for the advanced search of the database

The following acoustic indices have been added to the advanced search tool of the database:

  • Rw + C: Sound reduction index of an element, A-weighted [dB].
  • Rw + Ctr: Sound reduction index of an element for urban traffic noise, A-weighted [dB].
  • Rw + C [5000 Hz]: Sound reduction index of an element, A-weighted, broadened to 5000 Hz [dB].
  • Rw + Ctr [5000 Hz]:  Sound reduction index of an element for urban traffic noise, A-weighted, broadened to 5000 Hz [dB].

Portuguese sound code RRAE

As of version 2018.g, AcoubatBIM by CYPE allows users to import the configuration of the acoustic limits included in the different articles of the "Regulamento dos Requisitos Acústicos dos Edifícios".

More specifically, the following project types have been implemented:

  • Artigo 5. Edifícios habitacionais e mistos, e unidades hoteleiras.
  • Artigo 6. Edifícios comerciais e de serviços, e partes similares em edifícios industriais.
  • Artigo 7. Edifícios escolares e similares, e de investigação.
  • Artigo 8. Edifícios hospitalares e similares.
  • Artigo 9. Recintos deportivos.
  • Artigo 10. Estações de transporte de passageiros.
  • Artigo 10-A. Auditórios e salas.

Update of the acoustic requirements defined in the program for the French (NF NRA 2000) and Italian (D.P.C.M. 5 dicembre 1997) codes

The acoustic requirements that can be imported into the program, corresponding to the French and Italian codes, have been modified in order to include the requirements for installation noise.

New parameters for the advanced search of the database

In the previous version (2018.f) acoustic indices were added to the advanced search tool of the database. In the 2018.g version, two more acoustic indices have been added to this search tool:

  • STC: Sound transmission class (dB)
  • ΔLan: Normalized sound pressure level reduction (dB)

Import sound sources from the BIM model

As well as interpreting the geometry of the project, now it is possible to read and interpret indoor sound sources defined in the BIM model, this way, increasing the degree of integration of AcoubatBIM in the Open BIM workflow. The IFC entities that are recognised by the application, and can be exported to the BIM project by other Open BIM programs of CYPE, include:

  • Bathtubs and showers
    These objects, together with the remaining sanitary equipment, can be introduced using the free BIM modeller, IFC Builder.
  • Terminal air conditioning duct elements
    This consists of grilles and diffusers. To insert these devices, the BIM program for design of air conditioning installations can be used: CYPETHERM HVAC.
  • VRF, Multi-split and Split 1x1 systems
    The same way grilles and diffusers can be introduced in CYPETHERM HVAC.

Sound sources can be imported from the BIM model using this version of CYPESOUND and its corresponding versions to verify the acoustic requirements of national codes (CYPESOUND CTECYPESOUND RRAE and CYPESOUND DRAPDE).

Calculation of the sound pressure level generated by building equipment

As of the 2018.g version, AcoubatBIM by CYPE allows users to define indoor noise sources, which are generally due to equipment that is installed in the building. A product from the Acoubat database can be associated to each type of source, and in the case of pipes, a cover. Users must provide details of equipment noise (continuous, intermittent or emergency) with the aim to group all the equipment of the same activity and check the acoustic pressure value against the limit established for each space in the general parameters of the project.

Intermediate results in reports

A drop-down list has been added to each results report containing all the intermediate calculations that have been carried out. This way, users can inspect each path sound can take (partitions, openings, flanks, indirect noise...) without having to leave the results window.