Update history​


Update of the calculation method of the lateral transmissions

A new analysis system of the lateral transmissions has been implemented so now the joints between two elements in an “L” or “I” connection are taken into account. Furthermore, the results contain a greater amount of information on the elements that intervene in the connection, the geometric analysis and formulas used for the analysis of the paths sound must travel along as well as for the differences in the level of velocity in the connection (Dv,ij) that are reached. These latter values are obtained based on the method provided in “Annex E” of the “EN 12354-1:2016” code (Building acoustics. Estimation of the acoustic performance of buildings from the performance of elements. Part 1: Airborne sound insulation between rooms).

New parameters for the advanced search of the database

The following acoustic indices have been added to the advanced search tool of the database:

  • Rw: Weighted sound reduction index [dB].
  • Dn,e,w: Weighted element-normalized level difference [dB].
  • Dn,f,w: Weighted normalized flanking level difference [dB].
  • Ln,wWeighted normalized impact sound pressure level [dB].
  • ΔLwWeighted reduction in impact sound pressure level [dB].
  • ΔRwWeighted sound reduction index improvement [dB].
  • Ln,f,wWeighted normalized flanking impact sound pressure level difference [dB].
  • LnaNormalized sound pressure level, A-Weighted [dB(A)].
  • LscCharacteristic sound pressure level (structure-borne sound) [dB].
  • LwaSound power level, A-Weighted [dB(A)].
  • αwWeighted sound absorption coefficient according to EN ISO 11654.
  • LiARain impact noise intensity level, A-Weighted [dB(A)].

This way, it is now possible to filter elements that appear in the access interface of the database in accordance with the requirements of the project.

Code implementation. D.R.A.P.D.E. (D.P.C.M. 5 dicembre 1997 - Italy)

Determinazione dei requisiti acustici passivi degli edifici.

The acoustic insulation code D.R.A.P.D.E. (D.P.C.M. 5 December 1997 – Italy) was already implemented as of previous versions in CYPESOUND DRAPDE. As of the 2018.f version, AcoubatBIM by CYPE allows users to import the configuration of the acoustic limits of the Italian D.R.A.P.D.E. code (Determinazione dei requisiti acustici passivi degli edifici). More information on this implementation can be found in the Italian acoustique code D.R.A.P.D.E. (D.P.C.M. 5 December 1997) section of the new features of the 2018.f version of AcoubatBIM by CYPE.

Code implementation. NF NRA 2000 (France)

Nouvelle Réglamentation Acoustique

The acoustic insulation code NF NRA 2000 (France) was already implemented as of previous versions in CYPESOUND NRA. As of the 2018.f version, AcoubatBIM by CYPE allows users to import the configuration of the acoustic limits of the French NRA 2000 code (Nouvelle Réglamentation Acoustique). More information on this implementation can be found in the French acoustique code NF NRA 2000 section of the new features of the 2018.f version of AcoubatBIM by CYPE.

Copy and paste values in personalised products of the database

In the editing window of a personalised product (the personalised product is created by copying and modifying a library product), buttons have been included to copy and paste the sound indices of the table. This way, it is possible:

  • To quickly and precisely insert the acoustic values of each test in the personalised product, by copying them from the spreadsheet or using the connection with the acoustic system behaviour prediction program, AcouSYS, developed by the CSTB (Scientific and Technical Centre for Building).
  • Copy the acoustic values of the personalised product defined in “AcoubatBIM by CYPE” to paste them in a spreadsheet.

Program downloads on the BIMserver.center platform

AcoubatBIM by CYPE, CYPEPLUMBING Sanitary Systems, CYPEGAS, CYPEFIRE Sprinklers and CYPEFIRE CTE can be downloaded from the BIMserver.center platform.

These programs are also available in the general CYPE program menu that is installed when the complete download is carried out in the Download area of the CYPE website.

General options

All information regarding design options and applied sound index limits have been grouped in a general data panel for the project. This panel can be accessed via the “General data” button of the toolbar.

Thanks to this implementation, it is now possible to create multiple sound requirements; such as those related to different national codes, and save this information to be able to use it later in other projects.

Advanced search in the database

A new advanced search button has been introduced for sound tests. This option allows users to filter elements depending on certain parameters such as mass or thickness. Users can indicate a text chain as the product reference and a minimum or maximum value, or range for each active variable.

Deviation of the calculated noise index

In the results table of each space, a new column has been added that represents the deviation between the value obtained for each sound index and the limit that has been established for the project. This way, users can identify which are the weakest elements, as well as if any oversized elements have been placed.

Report views

The views of the documents generated by the program have changed so the sound tests of the products of the database and analysis results can be seen. Now a report view that can be configured is generated and can be adjusted to the program window.

Grouping of façades

A new option has been added in the general parameters of AcoubatBIM by CYPE where users can configure the way insulation against outdoor airborne noise is to be verified. As well as the individual analysis of each façade that has been carried out up to now, it is now possible to combine all the external façades and check the insulation of the complete envelope of each space. The program also allows users to group adjacent walls that share the same orientation and determine the insulation of these combined elements. Lastly, the enclosures can be grouped depending on their type (façade, roof or overhang) and calculate each separator group.

Adjustment of graph scales

Now, AcoubatBIM by CYPE allows users to modify the scale of the acoustic indices of the graphs of the program. Users can choose if the values are to be displayed depending on the maximum or minimum level of the curve. It is also possible to establish a specific maximum value or allow the program to establish it automatically.