Update history​


Analysing the sinking resistance of piles using allowable bearing pressures

Version 2025.d includes the option to select the calculation mode of the pile sinking resistance in the module "Piles I: Calculation of sinking load":

  • By indicating the "Geotechnical parameters" (available since previous version -2025.c)

  • By indicating the "Allowable bearing pressures"(implemented in version 2025.d)
    This option is used to calculate the pile considering the allowable bearing pressures defined in the geotechnical study. This feature also introduces the possibility to include the effect of "negative friction" by entering negative values.

This selection is made in the "Advanced setup" dialogue box (Job menu > General data > "Foundation elements with external fixity" option > "Advanced settings" option).

Implementation. NTC-2018 (Italy)

Norme Tecniche per le Construzioni NTC-2018.

Implemented in CYPECAD, CYPE 3D and Portal frame generator for checking rolled and reinforced steel sections.

Information on the weight per section metre in the data panel of the section

As of CYPE 3D version 2025.d, the properties panel of the selected section includes information on its linear weight.

Manufacturer section catalogues

Until version 2025.d, the manufacturer section libraries were integrated directly into the program code.

As of version 2025.d, these section catalogues have been moved to the Open BIM Database.

This improvement makes it easier to incorporate catalogues from new manufacturers and allows for a more agile and efficient management of the updating and maintenance of existing catalogues.

Base shear check

Certain seismic codes require the fulfilment of the minimum base shear condition when applying the modal-spectral dynamic method for the analysis of the seismic action.

As of version 2025.d, the possibility of activating this check, already implemented in previous versions of CYPECAD, is also available in CYPE 3D.

You can find more information by following the links below:

Code implementation

CYPE 3D version 2025.d includes the implementation of codes for rolled and reinforced steel structures and seismic actions. In the "Implementing codes and improving their enforcement" section for the new features of version 2025.d, you can consult the codes included in all CYPE programs in this version.

The following have been included in CYPE 3D:

  • Rolled and reinforced steel structures
    • NTC-2018 (Italy)
  • Loads on structures. Seismic loads
    • NSCP 2015 (Philippines)
    • TBDY 2018 (Turkey)

Implementation. TBDY 2018 (Turkey)

Turkish Building Seismic Code.

Implemented in CYPECAD and CYPE 3D.

Implementation. NSCP 2015 (Philippines)

National Structural Code of the Philippines 2015. Volume 1: Buildings, towers and other vertical structures.

Implemented in CYPECAD and CYPE 3D.

Checking permissions when sharing a contribution in the BIMserver.center project

As of version 2025.d, when clicking the "Share" option of the apps (before starting the generation of the contribution files), a check is made to ensure that the user is part of the BIMserver.center project team. If the user does not have the appropriate permissions, a warning message is displayed. This prevents the generation of unnecessary files when the user does not have editing rights.

BIMserver.center new features window

As of version 2025.d, the "Project selection" window in the apps connected to BIMserver.center incorporates a new notification system to inform users about the latest new features on the platform.

This space displays relevant messages about new features, enhancements and recommendations related to BIMserver.center. In addition, direct links to documents, tutorials and additional resources will be included to facilitate the adoption of these new features.

Piles III: Lateral stability analysis (new module)

In version 2025.d, the CYPECAD, CYPE 3D and Foundation Elements programs incorporate the lateral stability analysis module to facilitate the design of deep foundations subjected to significant lateral forces.

This module complements the structural check of reinforced concrete piles (if your licence includes the "Piles II: Structural check" module), by allowing the checking of pile sections and reinforcements under various loading scenarios. For this purpose, the soil characteristics are integrated by means of p-y curves, and the non-linear behaviour of the soil is considered in the analysis.

The analysis is carried out using the OpenSees© analysis engine and is based on a finite element model where the behaviour of the soil is assimilated to a series of non-linear springs. The stiffnesses of these springs are determined according to the geotechnical parameters previously defined in the specifications of the soil layer.

The forces and displacements obtained at each point can be viewed on screen and exported to a CSV file. Furthermore, if your license includes the "Piles II: Structural check" module, the calculated forces are used to check the reinforcement of the pile section in accordance with the applicable codes.

To use this module, the following permissions are required in the license, depending on the program to be used:

    "CYPECAD", "Pile caps", "Piles III: Lateral stability analysis" and "OpenSees©. Professional version".
  • In CYPE 3D
    "CYPE 3D", "Pile caps", "Piles III: Lateral stability analysis" and "OpenSees©. Professional version".
  • In Foundation elements
    "Foundation elements", "Piles III: Lateral stability analysis" and "OpenSees©. Professional version".

Piles II: Structural check (new module)

In version 2025.d, the CYPECAD, CYPE 3D and Foundation elements programs incorporate structural checking of reinforced concrete piles for deep foundations.

The new module "Piles II: Structural check" complements the design of this type of foundation, verifying the safety of piles as a structural element of reinforced concrete according to the criteria of the selected codes.

The program can be used to easily define the section of the piles and their reinforcement and to check their resistance to the forces transmitted by the pile cap to the pile head. If the lateral stability analysis is carried out, the stresses obtained from this analysis are also taken into account. The lateral stability analysis is part of the other pile module implemented in this version "Piles III: Lateral stability analysis".

In the "General data > Foundation elements with external fixity" panel, some options have been implemented that allow considering minimum values of the bending moment and axial force to be considered, as well as setting the buckling length of the pile for the calculation. These values can also be modified for each pile cap individually.

The verification has been implemented for the entire collection of codes available in the CYPECAD, CYPE 3D and Foundation elements programs.

To use this module, the following permissions are required in the license, depending on the program to be used:

    “CYPECAD”, “Pile caps” and “Piles II: Structural check”.
  • In CYPE 3D
    “CYPE 3D”, “Pile caps” and “Piles II: Structural check”.
  • In Foundation elements
    “Foundation elements” and “Piles II: Structural check”.