Update history​

CYPETEL Schematics

Font size

The "Font size" option has been added to the general configuration menu of the applications. This tool allows users to increase or decrease the basic size of the font used in the user interface of the programs. Thanks to this implementation, the accessibility of the applications has been improved while also ensuring the correct visibility of the content on devices with different screen resolutions.

To enter a "Basic size" the "Set custom font size" option must be checked. The size users can enter is the application's basic font size. Any other font sizes that may exist in the program's interface will be automatically modified proportionally according to the change in the basic size.

It is important to note that, as this is a common parameter, its modification will affect all installed CYPE tools.

New example job

A new example job (Conjunto de viviendas adosadas) has been included that allows users to see the capacities of the programs in the design of plans and diagrams in ICT projects of terraced houses.

General improvements

Version 2021.g of CYPE’s programs is a closing version of the 2021 version.

As well as the new features and improvements expressly indicated in each version of CYPE software, process optimisation involving internal updates for all our programs is normally included. In each revision, all programs are systematically checked and changes are made to improve their performance, therefore, we recommend that our users (in this case those of v.2021) always update their version to the latest one, regardless of the country for which they are using CYPE software or the language in which it is installed.

Analysis of the Carrier to Intermodulation (C/I ratio)

As of version 2021.f, CYPETEL Schematics allows users to verify values of the Carrier to intermodulation (C/I), a parameter that identifies signal distortion due to the non-linearity of devices (such as amplifiers). The program incorporates both the analysis of this ratio as well as the possibility of carrying out limit value checks.

Analysis and check of signal reception system forces

The program calculates and checks the forces that the antenna support elements (masts and towers) must withstand, in accordance with the user-defined layouts. The program will check and compare the resultant moment with the maximum moment resistance of the support elements, and will warn users if there are any incompatibilities.

Automatic gain adjustment of the headend

Until now, the "Automatic adjustment of headend values" tool only modified the signal levels of "Network start" channels. Now, it also adjusts the gain of the "Capture and amplification system" headend amplifiers to meet the requirements of the "Network start".

Design of coaxial network headends

To create the different types of new equipment in the program, which were implemented in CYPETEL Schematics in the previous version (2021.e), the technical data that is used to design the installation must be entered.

The "Capture and amplification system" option within the "Network start" element incorporates the design of the signal level and C/N from the antennas to the output of the headend. Once the design process has finished, the values that have been obtained can be transferred to the "Network start" channels.

New equipment for designing the headend of coaxial networks

New equipment (antennas, masts, towers, modular amplifiers, etc) has been incorporated into the "Racks and headends" tab. This equipment allows detailed diagrams of the headend of coaxial networks to be created.

In addition, the "Network start" element has a new option to define the equipment and technical data of the capture and amplification systems of the S/MATV coaxial headend.

Configure "General options" by design code

Until now, only predetermined configurations were available for infrastructure elements and checks. Now, the program has complete configurations so users may define the "General options" of the project. For each design code, the program has a configuration in which the type of equipment, view preferences, checks, tables, units, etc. can be found, saving users a lot of time when preparing the project.

Tool to export and import "General options" configuration

A tool has been implemented to import and export the "General options" configuration so it can be used in different projects.

Specific coaxial connectors for S/MATV and CATV

To distinguish between coaxial networks, two connectors have been added: "Coaxial S/MATV" and "Coaxial CATV".

Assistant for the automatic generation of network diagrams

“CYPETEL Schematics” has incorporated an assistant to automatically generate star networks of coaxial cables, optical fibre and copper pairs. The assistant allows, based on an infrastructure diagram, to generate these diagrams bearing in mind the position of the equipment as well as the distances of the conduits.