Update history​


Calculating the thermal transmittance of window and door frames

As of version 2025.d, a new tool has been incorporated to automatically calculate the area of the nodes that make up the carpentry according to the number of leaves it is made up of.

This improvement will make it possible to obtain the thermal transmittance of the window and door frames in a simpler way, optimising their integration into the building's energy model.

The feature is available exclusively for manufactured carpentry, both for interior and exterior windows.

Renewed connection to the Open BIM Database

In version 2025.d, the "Catalogue management" option has been added to the toolbar, where the catalogues of the manufacturers of building elements, air-conditioning systems and DHW systems available in the Open BIM Database can be downloaded.

With this new management of manufacturer products, the number of manufacturers and products available for program analysis has been expanded.

Changes to the user interface

In addition to the updated interface needed for the integration of IFC Builder in this version 2025.d, the following changes have been made:

  • New look and features of the "Building" tab
    Work can be carried out on the 3D model of the building, so that elements can be selected on it, without having to locate them on the diagram in the tree.

    The work on the building definition tree has also been improved by creating a more dynamic system of libraries. Although the library system of the building elements has been modified and the new types are not compatible with previous versions of the program, it is possible to import types created with previous versions of the program.
  • New location and features of the "Drawings" tab
    The position of the "Drawings" tab in the program has been changed. Additionally, it is now possible to create and edit the drawings of the thermal envelope with a wider range of tools and possibilities.

Integrating IFC Builder

Just like in CYPERTHERM LOADS, the full capabilities of IFC Builder have been integrated into the programs with the EnergyPlus™ analysis engine (CYPETHERM EPlus) in version 2025.d.

Now, when a new job is created with the program, there are two options for defining the thermal model: the first one consists of generating the thermal model from the creation of the 3D model of the building in the program itself, and the second one consists of importing the thermal model from the project.

  • Creation of the 3D model
    When this option is selected, the "3D Model" tab is enabled at the bottom left, leaving the application with the "3D Model" and "Energy simulation" tabs. This new tab, "3D Model", represents the total integration of IFC Builder in the program, and allows the creation of a geometric model with the simplified definition or by construction system of the different building elements, as it incorporates the Open BIM Construction Systems database.

    In addition, the analytical geometric model required in the "Energy simulation" tab is generated from this tab.

  • Importing the thermal model from the project
    If this option is selected when creating the job and linking it to the project, the operation of the program is equivalent to that of previous versions, i.e. the thermal model is imported from the project and the user cannot interact with the geometry of the model. In fact, the program does not show the "3D Model" tab and the users can only work on the imported thermal model.

    By selecting this option, models from IFC Builder and Open BIM Analytical Model can still be read.

It should be noted that once the desired option for defining the thermal model of the building has been selected, it will not be possible to change this selection when updating the BIM model.

A job must be created with the new option selected to change this.

Checking permissions when sharing a contribution in the BIMserver.center project

As of version 2025.d, when clicking the "Share" option of the apps (before starting the generation of the contribution files), a check is made to ensure that the user is part of the BIMserver.center project team. If the user does not have the appropriate permissions, a warning message is displayed. This prevents the generation of unnecessary files when the user does not have editing rights.

BIMserver.center new features window

As of version 2025.d, the "Project selection" window in the apps connected to BIMserver.center incorporates a new notification system to inform users about the latest new features on the platform.

This space displays relevant messages about new features, enhancements and recommendations related to BIMserver.center. In addition, direct links to documents, tutorials and additional resources will be included to facilitate the adoption of these new features.

Rotating elements during insertion using the space bar

As of version 2025.d, the interaction during the insertion of elements in the app's workspace has been improved. For those elements that the app allows to be rotated once inserted (Rotate element tool), it is now possible to rotate them in 90-degree intervals on the Z-axis by simply pressing the space bar on the keyboard before inserting them.

This feature allows for greater accuracy and speed when positioning components within the model, avoiding the need for subsequent adjustments.

Links to the CYPE website in the apps help menu

In version 2025.c, new options have been added to the "Help" menu of all CYPE apps, providing direct links to key resources on the CYPE website. These options make it easier to access to useful information and Technical Support, improving the overall experience of using the program.

The new options are the following:

  • Technical support: This link provides information on the different ways of contacting the CYPE Technical Support team to clarify any queries, obtain customised assistance and solve any problem related to the apps.

  • User community: This option provides access to the CYPE user community, where users can share experiences, ask questions and discuss solutions with other professionals using the same tools. This community encourages the exchange of knowledge and best practices, helping to make the most of the program's features.

  • Learning resources: This link leads to a collection of learning resources, such as tutorials, manuals, videos and articles, designed to help you understand and use CYPE apps more efficiently. These materials are designed for all levels of experience, from beginners to advanced users, and are an excellent source of information to expand skills and technical knowledge.

These new additions make it easier to access information and provide the necessary support to improve the users' experience with the apps and to encourage professional development.

Improved management of DXF and DWG templates

Version 2025.c of the CYPE apps includes the following improvements in the management of DXF and DWG file templates:

  • Reading DXF/DWG files with updated version
    As of version 2025.c, CYPE apps can read DXF/DWG files up to AutoCAD® version 2025.

  • Improved template preview
    Advanced graphic management has been implemented in the template selection and transformation panels to optimise the template drawing preview window and facilitate the movement of the drawing from this panel.

  • Simultaneous transformations on the template
    The application of the following transformations on an imported template has been improved:
    • Selecting the visible area of the template
    • Changing the coordinate origin of a template
    • Adjusting the scale of a template

Use of hardware acceleration in the drawing tool

As of version 2025.c, the "Drawing layouts" panel uses hardware acceleration for drafting drawings. This implementation allows users to represent and move the model more smoothly.

This panel is present in several CYPE programs, although hardware acceleration is much more noticeable in programs and projects with multiple elements (CYPECAD, CYPE 3D, CYPECAD MEP, etc.).

Changes to the apps available in CYPE Menu

The following modifications have been made to the apps available in the CYPE Menu:

New apps

  • Now, in addition to the apps that are translated into the installation language of the CYPE Menu, there are also apps available in English.

Deleted apps

  • CYPEPLUMBING Solar Systems. Integrated in CYPEPLUMBING.
  • CYPETEL Schematics. Replaced by CYPETEL.
  • CYPELEC Grounding IEC and CYPELEC Grounding IEEE. Integrated into CYPELEC and CYPELEC Distribution.

Update notification available

As of version 2025.b, applications now display a warning message in their initial window when a new update is available. This message provides information about the "installed version" and the "available version", together with a direct link to the Store page of the BIMserver.center web platform.

Clicking on the “Upgrade to the latest version” button automatically starts the download and installation process of the application. This feature ensures that the most current version of the program is always being used, thus benefiting from the latest improvements.

This method replaces the automatic notification and update process of a new version in the BIMserver.center programs available in previous versions.