Update history​

Open BIM Quantities

"Assign work section code" option when updating the items in the rules of measurement

In version 2025.b, the “Sets of measurement rules” window includes a new option when using the ”Assign all” feature for a “Cost database”.

Users can now indicate whether they want to assign the cost database work section codes to the concepts of the rules of measurement.

When clicking the “Assign all” button, a window with the “Assign work section code” option appears. If this option is unchecked, the original work section codes from the set of measurement rules will be retained instead of assigning the new codes from the cost database.

This tool increases flexibility and control over the organisation and structure of work sections in projects, allowing users to maintain their own coding or adopt the cost database's coding according to their needs.

Error warnings in the formulas of the "Quantities of the BIM model" tab

As of version 2025.b, Open BIM Quantities includes an automatic check of the syntax of the formulas used in the definition of the "Items" of a "Rule of measurement".

This check is carried out both in the configuration window of a "Set of measurement rules" and in the "Entities" tree of the "Quantities of the BIM model" tab.

If a problem is detected in the syntax of a formula, the application displays a warning detailing the type of error.

This feature helps to quickly identify and correct errors in formulas, ensuring accuracy and consistency in BIM model quantity calculations.

"Exists" condition in the rules of measurement

The “exists” condition has been added to the “Selection” setting of a “Rule of measurement”. By using this condition, only the “Parameter” is checked to ensure that it exists in the BIM model, without checking the content of the field.

Unlike the other available conditions, there is no need to indicate an associated “Value” when selecting “exists”.

Update notification available

As of version 2025.b, applications now display a warning message in their initial window when a new update is available. This message provides information about the "installed version" and the "available version", together with a direct link to the Store page of the BIMserver.center web platform.

Clicking on the “Upgrade to the latest version” button automatically starts the download and installation process of the application. This feature ensures that the most current version of the program is always being used, thus benefiting from the latest improvements.

This method replaces the automatic notification and update process of a new version in the BIMserver.center programs available in previous versions.

Visibility of the "Price" and "Amount" columns

As of version 2025.b, Open BIM Quantities allows users to set the visibility of the “Price” and ”Amount” columns in several windows, including the ”Bill of quantities” table, the ”Project database” and the ”Cost databases”.

This configuration is done from the "Columns" option of the "Visualisation" group in the toolbar. Users can choose to hide or show these columns according to their needs, resulting in a more personalised interface focused on the relevant information for each type of project.

This feature is particularly useful for bills of quantities without prices.

New "Bill of quantities (Table)" report

A new report called “Bill of quantities (Table)” has been added to the “BoQ Reports” available from the toolbar in the “Bill of quantities” tab.

This report includes all the concepts defined in the project in a table with the following columns:

  • Code
  • Description
  • Unit
  • Quantity
  • Price
  • Amount

Link to the BIMserver.center Store

In the configuration panel for each application, a direct link to its page in the BIMserver.center web store has been included.

By clicking on the “Go to BIMserver.center Store” button, users are redirected directly to the corresponding page in the Store, where they can learn more about the application, view its features, read reviews from other users and see examples of real contributions.

This feature provides easy access to additional resources and support, enhancing the user experience by providing quick and easy access to all relevant information about the applications.

Information about the license model

An information message has been incorporated into the installation button of the applications so that, before proceeding with the installation, users can identify which applications are free to use (free of charge) and which require licensing permissions (including paid modules).

This enhancement improves the user experience by providing clarity and transparency on the options available to the user based on their license model.

Installing background apps

In the new 2025.b version of CYPE Menu, the background installation feature has been added. Users can now continue working on other tasks while applications are automatically installed in the background.

During the background installation process, the “Installing program” message is displayed next to the applications button in the main CYPE Menu window. Once completed, the message disappears and the application can be run.

This feature is designed to make applications easier to use and manage, improving productivity and the overall experience by minimising waiting time and interruptions during the installation of new applications or upgrades.

Variables in the item reference

As of version 2025.b, Open BIM Quantities can use variables in the “References” of the items, in a similar way to other fields such as the “Detail line“ and “Tags“.

When changing the reference of the items, it is important to note that the codes must also be different.

Open BIM Quantities will automatically manage this when using “Update the quantities“ in the “Bill of quantities“ tab. The ‘Code’ indicated for the “Item“ in the “Rule of measurement“ will be used as the base code, adding a suffix for each different reference.

Groups and calculating the totals in quantities tables

The "Type of design" field has been added to the "Columns" configuration panel with the following options:

  • Detail all values. This option adds a row for each element that meets the conditions defined in the ‘Selection’. This is the default value and the behaviour that columns had in previous versions.

  • Group. Groups the elements that have the same value for that column in a row.

  • Match to minimum value. Obtains the minimum value of the parameter associated with the column for each of the selected elements in the row.

  • Match to maximum value. Obtains the maximum value of the parameter associated with the column for each of the selected elements in the row.

  • Calculate the total value. Adds the values of the parameter associated with the column for each of the selected elements in the row.

To generate subtotal lines, the “Subtotal” field has been added to the "Columns" configuration panel. When checked, a subtotal line is added to the table each time the column value changes.

In the “Table of amounts” configuration panel, the “Total” option has been added. When checked, a total line is added at the end of the table.

Connection to BIMserver.center

There is now an additional option in the main CYPE Menu window to “Log in” to BIMserver.center.

This way, downloaded applications also appear in the user's account on the BIMserver.center platform.