Associated programs

Entering consumptions in the water supply system

In the "Installation" tab within the "Water Systems" tab, in the "Consumption" group of the main toolbar, there are options for entering the consumption of the water supply system:


This is used to enter consumptions in the water supply system.

When entering or editing a consumption, the following parameters can be configured. Some parameters only appear if the "Simplified entry" option, which is accessed via "Calculation options" in the "General options", is deactivated:

  • Consumption reference
    Selects the type of consumption by its reference. These types can be created and edited in the "Design and checks to be carried out" section of the "General options" of the "Project" group. The program also provides information on their "Reference on plan".
  • General data
    Permite definir los datos generales del elemento. Algunos de estos valores se pueden bloquear o desbloquear. Si un valor está bloqueado, aUsed to define the general data of the element. Some of these values can be locked or unlocked. If a value is locked, it is not modified when updating the results and remains unchanged.
    • Cold water pressure (Lock/Unlock)
      Sets the cold water pressure in the consumption. This option appears in "Hydromixer" or "Cold water" type consumptions.
    • Hot water pressure (Lock/Unlock)
      Sets the hot water pressure in the consumption. This option appears in "Hydromixer" or "Cold water" type consumptions.
  • 3D layout
    Sets the position and angle of the element. This section only appears when editing a previously entered element.
    • Position (x, y, z)
    • Angle
  • Label (optional)
    Manages the information visible in the element's label.
    • Reference
  • Bill of quantities
    Controls the generation of the element's bill of quantities using filters.
    • Consumption
  • Consult checks
    Used to consult and list the checks carried out on the element. These checks can be activated, edited or deactivated from "Design and check options to be carried out", in the "General options" of the "Project" group.
The "Consumption" option in the lower right-hand corner of the group can be used to access the options for defining the elements of this group.

These options are equivalent to those available in the "Design and check options to be carried out" section, within the "General options" of the "Project" group.

Consumptions with a checked box will be available as additional quick-access options in this tool group. This allows for quick entry of the desired consumptions.