
Module code


Associated programs

Generation of native Revit elements based on a structural IFC

With the "Generation of native Revit elements based on a structural IFC" module from the "Open BIM - Revit Plugin", users can convert a structural model (included in a project on the platform) to native Revit elements by assigning them to families. The options of this module are centred in the "Extract contents of the link and assign it to families" option in Revit's "Open BIM Collaboration" menu.

How the “Generation of native Revit elements based on a structural IFC” module works

After selecting the option "Extract contents of the link and assign it to families" a dialogue box with the same name opens. This is how it works:

  • Main section
    All categories of structural elements detected in the IFC links of the imported model are shown at the top left-hand side and are grouped by class and the IFC type to which they belong. The number of existing instances and the Revit native category to which they are to be converted are also displayed from these groups.

    The categories (along with their IFC class) that can be detected and converted to native elements within Revit are:
    • Walls - IfcWallType
    • Floor slabs - IfcSlabType
    • Structural columns - IfcColumnType
    • Structural frame - IfcFooting, IfcBeam, IfcMember
    • Structural foundation - IfcFooting, IfcPile
    • Stairs - IfcStair
    • Ramps - IfcRamp
    • Opening elements - IfcOpeningElement
  • Revit native family selector (Converter)
    In the highlighted red part of the image, all types are shown together with the instances of the category that have been selected in the "Main section". The existing families in the Revit template can be assigned to them and converted to native.
  • The same table allows users to create duplicates if the assigned family contains type parameters and not instance parameters ("Create duplicates" column).
  • When assigning a family with instance parameters, users must assign the parameters of the family with no need to duplicate types (users are recommended to load the families that are necessary and are not included by default in the Revit template before exporting).
  • Several filtering buttons are available to make the workflow easier for the users, allowing them to view different types of instances.
  • Converter instances/Type instances

    In the bottom part of the dialogue box "Extract contents of the link and assign it to families", the information for all the instances of the converter is displayed or, in the case of selecting a specific type, only the information for the instances of this type can be seen

Generation of reinforcement rebars to native Revit entities

The "Generation of native Revit elements based on a structural IFC" module extends its features with the "Generation of reinforcement rebars to native Revit entities" tool. This tool converts reinforcement models (included in a project on the platform) to native Revit entities.

Converting reinforcement to native Revit elements using the new tool requires prior conversion of the host structural elements, such as beams, columns, floor slabs, footings or any other structural element containing reinforcement.

How to use the "Generation of reinforcement rebars to native Revit entities" tool

After selecting the "Extract link content and assign it to families" in a structural reinforcement IFC link option, a dialogue box with the same name opens, the operation of which is described below:

  • Main section
    In the main section, the categories to be converted to native entities are shown. In this case, as it is a reinforcement IFC, only the category "Structural reinforcement" will be shown. In the same way, the IFC class and the number of existing specimens in the IFC are shown.
  • Quantities/amounts information panel
    Information on steel quantities is presented here. This information is classified by steel type, bar diameter and mandrel diameter. At the bottom of the table, there is also a summary of the total weight of steel expressed in Kilograms.
  • Converter examples
    In the bottom-left panel, the hierarchy of the converter examples is shown. This hierarchy is set in descending order:

    • General reinforcement (covering the whole model).

    • Floors or levels in the model (foundations, ground floor and following floors).

    • Categories of Revit structural elements belonging to each level (structural framing, structural columns, etc.).

    • Single structural element.

    • Reinforcement assemblies (sets or groups of bars forming the total reinforcement of a structural element).

  • In the bottom-right panel, the information concerning each bar in each assembly is shown.