

Associated programs

Calculation of the properties of the masonry construction elements

The homogenised values of the properties of the construction elements that are introduced in CYPECAD, to consider their effect in the dynamic analysis of buildings exposed to seismic action, are, as of the 2014.a version: the Thickness of the masonry, Modulus of elasticity X, Modulus of elasticity Y, Shear modulus XY, Poisson’s ratio XY and the Surface load.

All this data is introduced in the Masonry properties – homogenized values – (Beam Definition tab > Loads > Construction elements > Add or Edit option > edit selected type button  or edit type list button  and add ). It is the manufacturers, who due the tests they have carried out on their products, will be able to provide more exact values.

For those cases in which the manufacturers have not provided the required data, a tool has been implemented in the 2014.b version that calculates the homogenised values of the masonry properties based on geometric and resistance data that users can know more easily. This tool is accessed from the previously mentioned dialogue box: Masonry properties – homogenized values, selected using the Property analysis button ().

The properties required by the tool are:

  • Type of construction element
    • Internal partition
    • External wall, visible
    • External wall, to be covered
  • Number of leaves (single or double)
  • Material
  • Type of mortar
  • Type of joint
  • Mortar resistance
  • Standard compressive strength of the unit

In order to define the material, type of mortar, type of joint, mortar resistance and the standard compressive strength of the unit, users must select the adequate option amongst those offered by the program in a drop-down list.