Associated programs

Generating and creating diagrams of the water supply system

The "Diagrams" tab, available at the top of the "Water Systems" tab, allows users to automatically generate diagrams of the water supply system from the model information developed in the "Installation" tab, or to create them manually using the available drawing tools:

  • To create the diagrams from scratch, the sheets of the required formats are first created using the options on the left-hand side. Then the elements in the diagram are entered in the work area on the right-hand side using the options in the top toolbar.
  • To generate the diagrams automatically, the "New" option at the top is used. Then, the user is free to modify the generated diagrams on the work area by using the options in the top toolbar as well.

Composite diagrams can be selected in this tab to be printed together with the rest of the job drawings using the corresponding options.

Diagram management

The diagrams of the water supply system are composed on sheets of different formats. The tools for creating and managing diagrams are located on the left-hand side of the interface.

The following features can be configured when creating or editing a diagram:

  • Reference
  • Description
  • Paper size
    The available paper sizes can be configured under "General options".
  • Orientation (Horizontal / Vertical)
  • Scale factor (%)

Options in the "Project" group

In the "Project" group of the top toolbar, the program includes the following features:

General options

Used to configure the paper formats and types of table available, the units of measurement, and the graphic representation of the elements in the water supply system diagrams, defining their colour and symbols (generic or customised).


Creates custom symbols using a drawing editor or imports symbols contained in DXF, DWG or DWF files saved on disk. These symbols can be selected in the settings defined for each element under "General options".

Options in the "Diagram" group

In the "Diagram" group of the top toolbar, the program includes the following tools:

Update results

Updates the information available for generating new diagrams with the analysis results.


Automatically generates the diagram of the water supply system if the model contains the appropriate information:

  • In systems with more than one user, the program generates two diagrams, one from the supply connections to the meter assembly and the other from the assembly to the shut-off valve.
  • In systems with one user, the program generates a diagram from the supply connection to the shut-off valve.

The diagrams generated can be modified later using the tools available at the top.

Diagrams generated for a multi-user system

Diagram generated for a single-user system

Tools for entering diagram elements

These options allow users to freely enter the elements of the diagram of the water supply system, defining the following parameters:

  • Supply connection poin
    • Reference
  • Meter
    • Reference
    • Description
      • Meter assembly (Number of outlets, Number of blank plates)
      • Meter pre-installation
  • Shut-off valve
    • Reference
    • Description
      • General shut-off valve
      • Shut-off valve
      • Shut-off valve
  • Pressure limiting valve
    • Reference
  • Tank
    • Referencia
    • Description
      • Number of tanks in parallel
  • Booster set
    • Reference
    • Description
      • Number of pumps
  • Pipe
    • Reference
    • Pipe reference
    • Description
      • Diameter

Reference line

Enters a reference line. These lines can be used to specify the layout of the elements in the diagram on the different floors of the building.

User tables

Inserts legends or tables with complementary information in the diagrams.

When creating a table, it can be "Generic", specifying the number of rows and tables and filling in the content of its cells in a free editor, or "Legend" type, where "Automatic generation" is possible depending on the elements arranged in the diagram.

Table types can also be managed via the corresponding option in the "General options".

Editing tools

The options in this menu allow the following editing operations to be carried out on the elements in the system diagram:

EditEEdits the parametric properties of the selected element in the model.
CopyCreates a copy of one or more elements.
Move elementMoves an element or a node of an element.
Move a group of elementsMoves a group of elements.
DeleteDeletes a previously entered element.
Rotate Rotates an element.
Measure lengths on planMeasures lengths and angles between points defined in the model. If a closed outline is selected, it also indicates the area.

Drawing tools

The options in this menu allow the following drawing resources to be entered:

ElevationEnters an elevation between two selected points, indicating the line colour, line thickness, and text size.
LineInserts a line between two selected points, indicating its colour and thickness.
TextEnters a text and a reference line, indicating its colour, the line thickness and the text size.
Text boxEnter a left-aligned, right-aligned or centred text box, indicating the colour and size of the text, the properties of the frame and the background fill.
ArcEnter an arc and, optionally, its radius, indicating the line colour, line thickness and text size.
CircleEnter a circle and, optionally, its radius or diameter, indicating the line colour, line thickness, and text size.
RectangleEnter a rectangle and, optionally, its area, indicating the line colour, line thickness and text size.
AreaEnter a dotted polygon and, optionally, its area, indicating the line colour, line thickness, and text size.
PolylineInserts a polyline by points, indicating its colour and thickness.
EditEdit the properties of the selected drawing resource.
DeleteDeletes the selected drawing resources.
MoveMoves the selected drawing resource or parts of it.
AssignAssigns the properties of a drawing resource to others. When selecting a drawing resource, resources with the same properties are highlighted in orange.