Data input and output sequence for the design and analysis of fire extinguishing systems
The fire extinguishing system can be defined and analysed in the program using the following input and output sequence:
- Creating a new job (from "File", "New").
- (Optional) Linking to, defining standards and reading and classifying spaces read from the BIM model.
- Review and configuration of general options (from "Project", "General options").
- Defining types of elements. This can be done in two additional ways:
- Loading manufacturers' catalogues (from "Project", "Catalogue management").
- Manually loading or inserting generic element libraries ("Project > Generic element library").
- (Optional) If they have not been read and generated from the BIM model, the spaces must be entered manually (from "Spaces", "New").
- Arranging the elements of the system supply ("Supply" group) in the work area. This can be done in two ways:
- Entering a tank and a booster set.
- Entering a connection to the public network.
- Arranging consumptions (sprinklers, fire hose reels or emitters) and pipes in the work area. This can be done in several ways:
- Automatic generation (from the "Distribution", "Generation / Branch / Cross main with branch lines / Grid system").
- Manual entry (group "Consumption" and "Distribution", "Pipes").
- (Optional) Entering other elements in the "Work area":
- Entering racks (from "Spaces", "Racks").
- Entering valves, pressure and flow regulators or control valve sets ("Distribution" group).
- Entering seismic bracings and assigning of pipes in their zone of influence ("Bracings" group).
- Defining and assigning design scenarios to indicate the consumptions that are active in them.
- Defining design scenarios (from "Design scenarios", "List").
- Assigning scenarios consumptions (from "Design scenarios", "Assign").
- Analysing or designing the system, displaying the results on the screen and in the results reports ("Analysis" group).
- (Optional) Creating and managing the bill of quantities ("Bill of quantities" tab).
- Obtaining reports and drawings (from "Results", "Reports"; and from "File", "Drawings").
- Exporting to (from "", "Share").