CYPEHVAC connects to Open BIM Database, from where it downloads the manufacturers' products in order to incorporate them into the design of the water HVAC system.
In version 2022.f, users can now download manufacturer data for heat pumps and fan coils from Open BIM Database to the respective libraries of the program. To do this, under "General options", users must enter the library folder of one of the two units and click on the add button. In the following window, by clicking on the manufacturers' logos, the catalogue of the chosen type of unit can be downloaded.
Similarly, these library editing and downloading panels can be accessed from the new buttons at the top of the Heat Pump and Fan coil editing panels.
In order to consider more analysis data for heat pumps and fan coils provided by manufacturers, new design variables have been added for both types of units. One of them is the option of defining their capacity tables, which is added as an alternative to the definition of a nominal operating point. In this way, when changing the system's design conditions, the program analyses the power offered by the units again and checks that the operating position is within the indicated operating range.
Heat pumps have been divided into two types, air-to-water and water-to-water. The air-to-water heat pumps collect the outdoor temperature data from the selected site. Additionally, users can now also define a hydraulic group associated with the heat pump that includes a circulating pump and, optionally, an expansion tank.
For fan coils, the cooling design indoor wet bulb temperature has been added, which is automatically calculated from the relative humidity and indoor temperature conditions of the space where the unit has been installed.