Associated programs

Defining energy sources

Within the "Building" tab, in the "General data" group of the main toolbar, the following option can be found, which allows the configuration of the project's energy sources:

Energy sources

  • Energy conversion factors (Primary energy / Final energy; % Non-renewable; kg-CO2 / kWh Final energy)
    By editing this section, users can define the conversion factors from final energy to primary energy, non-renewable primary energy and CO₂ emissions, for the different types of energy carriers available in the programme. The settings for different countries can be imported using the options on the right. The available energy vectors are as follows:
    • Electricity
    • Natural gas
    • Diesel
    • LPG
    • Coal
    • Densified biomass (pellets)
    • Biomass
    • Environment
  • Final generated and self-consumed electricity
    This is defined as the annual amount of electrical energy generated and consumed by the building itself, usually due to the use of on-site renewable sources (solar photovoltaic, mini-wind, mini-hydro, etc.).
    • Defined
      Enters the value of final generated and self-consumed electrical energy, which may be different from the value of final electrical energy consumed. The indicated value will be subtracted from the annual final electrical energy consumption, to determine the part of the electrical energy consumption coming from the grid.
    • All the electricity consumed is generated
      The program will consider that all electrical energy consumed in the project is generated in the building itself.