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Editing the points of a topographic surface

As of version 2022.g, the points forming the topographic surfaces of the project can be modified. For this purpose, the following options have been added to the application's toolbar.

  • Add points
    It allows the user to select an existing topographic surface and add new points to its configuration.

  • Delete points
    It deletes one or several points belonging to the topographic surfaces of the model.

  • Move points
    It allows the user to edit the position of one or several points belonging to the topographic surfaces of the model.

  • Edit points
    It allows the user to edit the elevation of one or more points belonging to the topographic surfaces of the model.

The "Add points", "Delete points" and "Move points" tools can only be used on "Mesh" type topographic surfaces. "Grid" type topographic surfaces, usually imported from Web Coverage Services (WCS), can be transformed into meshes using the tool for simplifying surfaces (see new feature "Simplifying a topographic surface").