Generate the analytical model of a project and facilitate the analysis and compliance with the different thermal and acoustic requirements of a building. This is the purpose of the Open BIM Analytical Model programme that we have just incorporated into our platform and with which it will be easier for specialists to carry out energy and acoustic analysis within an Open BIM workflow in the cloud.

The programme, which has been developed by CYPE, allows an analytical model to be created from scratch, with its own features or automatically, when an architectural model in IFC format already exists, made using any programme.
In the first case, Open BIM Analytical Model facilitates the input of all the elements that make up the analytical model (surfaces, edges, joints, etc.) and makes it possible to indicate the relationships that exist between these entities, such as which spaces they belong to, adjacencies between surfaces, edges that form a joint, amongst others.

Once the analytical model has been generated, and in order to take into account the different thermal and acoustic requirements, the application is capable of defining the different groupings of spaces on the same analytical model, such as grouping by use units or according to thermal zone criteria.
In the second case, when the specialist has an architectural model of the project in IFC format hosted on the platform, Open BIM Analytical Model automatically carries out the generation of the analytical model. When studying the final result, the user has complete control over the model, being able to modify the elements they consider necessary to adapt it to their needs.

With the generation of the analytical model and its availability on the platform, the specialist can integrate it into the global construction project and it can be used in other Open BIM applications available on the platform, to perform acoustic (AcoubatBIM by CYPE) or thermal (CYPETHERM EPlus) analysis. The software, which is free for users, is available in Spanish, French, English, Italian, Portuguese and Catalan.