CYPETHERM ISO 10211 is an application conceived to determine the thermal transmittance of linear thermal bridges by solving and processing a finite element heat transfer analysis model, based on the UNE-EN ISO 10211 code. This application is located in the Building services group of the main CYPE program menu.
This program is part of an investigation to develop a software tool to integrate the numerical analysis of thermal bridges in the energy demand calculation of buildings, which is financed by the “Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI)”, co-financed by the “European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)” and carried out in collaboration with the “Grupo de Ingeniería Energética” of the “Departamento de Sistemas Industriales” of Miguel Hernandez University in Elche (Alicante).
The main features of CYPETHERM ISO 10211 include:
- Analysis in accordance with EN ISO 10211
- Different thermal bridge models
- Libraries or material catalogues
- Analysis results
For users to be able to work with CYPETHERM ISO 10211, their user licence must include the “Numerical analysis of linear thermal bridges” permit.
More information can be found on the CYPETHERM ISO 10211 webpage.