As of the 2021.e version, CYPE Architecture includes in the IFC file of the project the following quantities sets for their corresponding IFC entities:
- Stairs ("Qto_StairFlightBaseQuantities")
- Length ("Length")
- Gross volume ("GrossVolume")
- Net volume ("NetVolume")
- Ramps ("Qto_RampFlightBaseQuantities")
- Length ("Length")
- Width ("Width")
- Gross area ("GrossArea")
- Net area ("NetArea")
- Gross volume ("GrossVolume")
- Net volume ("NetVolume")
- Beams ("Qto_BeamBaseQuantities")
- Length ("Length")
- Cross section area ("CrossSectionArea")
- Outer surface area ("OuterSurfaceArea")
- Gross surface area ("GrossSurfaceArea")
- Net surface area ("NetSurfaceArea")
- Gross volume ("GrossVolume")
- Net volume ("NetVolume")
- Barandillas ("Qto_RailingBaseQuantities")
- Length ("Length")
These new quantities can be used in the Open BIM Quantities application to generate the bill of quantities of the architectural model.