

Associated programs

Generation of keynote files for Revit®

As of the 2015.f version, Arquimedes generates keynote files for Revit® (CAD-BIM program). To do so, the option: Generate keynote file for Revit (File > Export) has been generated. This option opens a dialogue box where users can choose between two export types:

  • Chapters and job items
    Creates a “txt” file containing the keynotes for Revit. The file contains a list of keynotes consisting of the value of the keynote and the text of the keynote for each chapter and job item of the database. Each chapter and job item concept have a reference to the immediate higher level on which they depend so that Revit can create the decomposition tree composed of chapters and job items.
  • Chapters, job items and materials
    Creates a “txt” file containing the keynotes for Revit. The file contains a list of keynotes consisting of the value of the keynote and the text of the keynote for each chapter, job item and material of the database. Each chapter, job item and material concept have a reference to the immediate higher level on which they depend so that Revit can create the decomposition tree composed of chapters, job items and materials.

    If materials are included in the decomposition of a job item of the bill of quantities, these will be displayed hung from the job item that is using them in the keynotes. There is one exception to this however. Since Revit does not allow for keynotes to be repeated, if the materials are used by more than one job item in the bill of quantities, i.e. they are repeated, in the keynote file, the first job item which contains them will display the keynote of these materials. The following job items which use the same material will appear without the materials but immediately following each job item will be a job item with their same reference with the word “_Material” added to it. The text of this duplicated job item only contains the codes or keys of the repeated materials. This way, Revit can display keynotes containing materials and can be located easily. Contained in the bottom part of the Revit keynotes window, is the complete text of the keynote. Users can copy the value of the keynote from this zone to the clipboard of the operating system to later use wherever it may be required.

The final use of the Revit keynote file is to be able to identify construction elements and measure and tag materials in construction details.