As of version 2025.c, Sap2000® structures can be imported into CYPE Connect and StruBIM Steel.
An XML file containing all the tables of the model definition and the bar force tables (ANALYSIS RESULTS > Element Output > Frame Output) must be exported from SAP2000®.
The structure can be imported via StruBIM Uploader or directly into CYPE Connect and StruBIM Steel.
In StruBIM Uploader, by selecting the "XML file produced by SAP2000®" option, users access the file selection panel and select the project, where the information will be uploaded.
After exporting to, in CYPE Connect or StruBIM Steel, only the job needs to be created from that project.
In CYPE Connect and StruBIM Steel, this can be imported directly via direct access to the StruBIM Uploader.
The bars and the forces in the bars by combination are imported.