

Associated programs

Improved code application. BAEL-91 (R99) (France) and NTCRC: 2004 (Mexico)

  • BAEL-91 (R-99) (France)
    Fascicule n°62 – Titre I- Section I Règles techniques de conception et de calcul des ouvrages et des constructions en béton armé suivant la méthode des états limites – BAEL 91 révisé 99.
  • NTCRC:2004 (Mexico)
    Normas técnicas complementarias del reglamento de construcciones para el Distrito Federal

These codes were already implemented in CYPECAD, CYPE 3D and other CYPE programs as of previous versions. Now, in the 2015.e version, these codes are implemented in “Punching shear verification” and hence, also in the punching shear check carried out by CYPECAD in accordance with code criteria. This check was implemented in CYPECAD in the 2015.a version and, since then, coexists with the tangential stress check.