

Associated programs

Manufacturer catalogues and prescription options

In version 2025.d, all the equipment that can be used in CYPEFIRE Hydraulic Systems comes from manufacturers' catalogues, allowing users to enter any equipment required for the installation of the different hydraulic systems.

The "Prescription options" tool has been included in the "General options" menu to configure the documents generated by the program (reports, material schedule, export to .ifc, .gltf, .bc3, etc.), establishing the criteria for the generation of equipment descriptions according to the following:

  • Commercial prescription of the product
  • Prescription with the possibility of an equivalent product
  • Unspecified description of the commercial product

To ensure the continuity of projects created in previous versions of CYPEFIRE Hydraulic Systems, all previously defined equipment will be automatically added to the "CYPE LEGACY" catalogue when those projects are opened in version 2025.d.