

Associated programs

Occupancy density table

Each time a new project is started or the link with a BIM model is updated, CYPEFIRE offers users the possibility of associating the spaces imported from the architectural model with the occupancy density table of the associated codes for each country, making it much easier to calculate the number of occupants.

As of version 2023.e, this option will also be available from the "Space" dialogue box, allowing users to access the desired code information without creating or updating the project again.

The occupancy density table can only be associated with spaces imported from the architectural model when the program has been installed in a language with associated codes. In the current version (2023.e), the implemented codes are the Spanish standards "CTE DB SI" and "RSCIEI". Therefore, in this version 2023.e, this association is only possible when the program has been installed in Catalan and Spanish.