Open BIM workflow in CYPETHERM programs

The specialised tools: CYPETHERM HE Plus, CYPETHERM LOADS, CYPETHERM HVAC and CYPETHERM EPlus, allow users to import geometric models in IFC4 format and export and import information related with the analysis and design of the building services of the building, which is obtained using the tools. This way the BIM model of the project is updated and the Open BIM workflow is closed.

The four CYPETHERM tools allow users to automatically generate a new job by importing a BIM file with geometric information. Furthermore, each tool can import any additional IFC files generated by the remaining specialised CYPETHERM programs which may contain useful information for its design when the job is created or at any time during the design process of the job.

As the work is not carried out exclusively with one IFC file containing geometric information of the project, but with a group of IFC files containing the geometric, analysis and design information of the project, each BIM project must be generated in an individual directory to have all the information in a single place and for programs to only read the corresponding IFC files.

One of the many benefits of the Open BIM workflow can be seen, for example, in CYPETHERM LOADS and CYPETHERM HVAC. From CYPETHERM LOADS all the information of the thermal loads of the precincts can be exported to IFC format, once the project has been analysed. CYPETHERM HVAC requires the information of the thermal loads of the building to design the air conditioning systems. This information can be introduced by users or can be imported from the BIM project, if the data has been exported from CYPETHERM LOADS.