Report for Polytherm systems
As of previous versions, CYPETHERM HVAC generates a report containing all the required information to design radiant floors. As of the 2017.i version, if the radiant floor installation includes an element of the manufacturer: POLYTHERM, an additional report is included displaying all the information of the radiant floor with all the elements of the installation.
This report has been developed in collaboration with POLYTHERM. The report details, amongst other results, the spaces of the project, the circuits that have been installed in them, the design results per manifold, the spaced with insufficient thermal power and details of the power provided by service areas.
Calculation of the cooling contribution and the cooling discharge temperatures of radiant floors
The calculation of the cooling contribution of radiant floors has been modified. With the 2017.i version, the cooling contribution is calculated based on the flow values established by the heating installations. Included in the automatic calculation of the discharge temperature for cooling of the manifolds, are the limiting values determined by the dew temperature calculated at space level or location level depending on whether dehumidification systems have been found to exist in the spaces or not. The presence of these systems is indicated in the general options for radiant floors.
Automatic selection of radiant floor circuit spacing
Implemented in the 2017.i version of CYPETHERM HVAC, is the automatic selection of the pipe spacing of the radiant floor circuits that have been provided. This is determined by taking into account the power requirements of each circuit and the pipe spacing available for the selected system. Additionally, the maximum pipe spacing is limited for installations with cooling contribution to avoid condensation.