CYPE has reached an agreement to collaborate with Twoplus Soft in order to commercialize their BIM solutions in Thailand, solutions which are specialized in architecture, engineering and construction, reinforcing their presence in Asia. Their products are used in China, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, India and South Korea, among other countries.
Twoplus Soft Co., Ltd, founded in 1996, is the leading Thai software consulting and distribution business, which is currently focusing on the diffusion and implementation of new BIM solutions among Thai professionals with the objective of making the construction sector more efficient, sustainable, and digital.
CYPE’s applications are adapted to the Open BIM workflow and comprise the design phases (conceptualization, planning, architectural, structural and MEP design, in addition to coordination analysis), implementation (blueprints, manufacturing, and sourcing) and operations (maintenance). Thanks to this global and digital solution, professionals in any country on Earth can benefit from the programs developed by CYPE.
020: A year of expansion despite Covid-19
For Carlos Fernández, Technical Director of CYPE, the agreement with Twoplus Soft promises a boost for the company in Asia, where the Thai business, in addition to commercializing the software, will offer on-site training and assessment to the local professionals on using the wide range of technological solutions provided by CYPE, including the BIMserver.center platform which centralizes all of the information of a construction project.
The year 2020 was a year of international expansion for CYPE, despite the restrictions and limitations created by the Covid-19 pandemic. CYPE started the year solidifying a distribution agreement with Theme Engineering in South Korea, followed by another agreement with the American company Novedge, leader in the sale of professional software in the USA, and an agreement with Design2Occupancy in order to widen their distribution network in India. Additionally, CYPE agreed with Brighter Graphics to market their software in the UK, and with Power Green, to distribute their programs in Ireland.
In addition to these distribution agreements, CYPE has been providing consulting to the National Development Agency of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste in order to create a Construction Cost Database.
More than 200,000 construction projects across the world
CYPE solutions are used in 180 countries across the world thanks to OpenBIM technology and the collaborative platform in the BIMserver.center cloud, both of which were developed by CYPE itself. The platform is what is known in the professional sector as a Common Data Environment (CDE), which is an area of digital collaboration in the cloud where all of the project information is stored in a safe and secure way, and which all team members are able to access in order to make revisions or modifications. Currently, the BIMserver.center platform hosts 200,000 active construction projects.